His own lips turned up of their own volition. “Deal.”
Wes set down the roller and stretched his shoulder muscles. Sunday had been another rainy day, but he’d gotten a fair amount of interior work done. He was almost finished painting. He frowned at the incomplete wall he’d framed.
He would call the building department again tomorrow and try to rush them a bit. He only needed one day of good weather to finish the roof, and tomorrow seemed promising. It would be nice if the county got that inspection done tomorrow, then he could hang the drywall before he left Riverbend.
He glanced out the window through the driving rain toward Avery’s apartment. He had mixed feelings about leaving her. He would assuage them by leaving her carriage house in good shape.
The flooring had arrived last week, but the tub had to be installed before the flooring, and Stewie couldn’t do that until later this week. Avery’s brother would have to install it and probably finish the wall as well. Hopefully Gavin wouldn’t put her off. Couldn’the see how badly she needed that doctor? It seemed like every other night she was up with some emergency. Strong or no, she was going to wear herself out if she didn’t get help soon.
Even last night an emergency call had ended their Mexican fiesta. Avery assessed the woman and ended up calling an ambulance. He only knew this because a while after the call came in, the strobing lights cut across his living room walls.
He checked the progress he’d made on the trimming today. Might as well call it quits for the night. He wrapped the brush with plastic, his mind going back to Saturday night. He and Avery had chatted and laughed over chicken tacos and chips—his guacamole was a hit.
Somehow they got on the subject of Latin American dance styles and the salsa in particular. He smiled at the memory. Giving her a dance lesson was fun. She had good rhythm, caught on fast, and her height made her an excellent partner. He could still envision her swiveling hips and flirty eyes. He had fun, watching her let go and enjoy herself. He hated the way all of it evaporated the instant the emergency call came.
He gave his head a shake. He spent an awful lot of time thinking about Avery. After checking his watch, he decided to call Lillian. He hadn’t talked to her in a couple of days.
She picked up on the second ring. “Hey there. How’s it going?”
“It’s going. Sounds like you had a good day.”
“Church always improves my mood. I got to see my friends, and the message was just what I needed. Plus, I got the scoop on a new job opening from one of those friends. I’m going to apply for it tomorrow.”
He frowned at the sudden shift. “What about your day care?”
“I hate to let it go, but I can’t make it with only two kids. And this other job is for a preschool teacher at a reputable church. It’s a year-round position, and I’d have good benefits, including PTO.”
“Well, that does sound promising. It would be a big change from working at home though.” Maybe it would be good for her to get out. She’d always seemed a little too isolated.
“It would be but maybe not a bad one. Pray I get it. I hate the thought of bailing on my families, but I have to make ends meet. I’m really excited about this position.”
“I’ll pray you get it then. Maybe it’ll be less stress since you wouldn’t have to run it all by yourself.”
“That’s what I’m thinking. So, what’s up with you? Still raining down there?”
“It’s finally supposed to clear up tomorrow. I’m hoping to get the roof finished.”
“Then you’ll hit the trail again?”
He’d leave Tuesday if the inspection didn’t come through tomorrow. The thought opened a pit in his gut. “That’s the plan.”
“Have you been searching online for a job?”
“A little but I haven’t found anything of interest yet.” Honestly, he’d been looking less and less. But it would be easier once he arrived and could apply in person.
“I keep checking the newspaper but I’m not finding much.” She paused a moment. “I had a conversation with a man at church this morning that wasn’t very encouraging—he works for a local builder.”
“What’d he say?”
“I was hoping he might have a lead for you or that his employer had an opening. But he said new construction hasbeen slow this year and that contractor positions were hard to come by.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure it out. I can always install windows or something until the local economy picks up.”
“I’d hate for you to do that. You’re overqualified for that.” There was a long pause and he knew what was coming next. “Are you sure this is where you want to settle, Wes?”
His mouth curved at her predictability. “Now, Lillian. We’ve been over this before, haven’t we?”