“It’s nothing personal, I promise. I’m just not looking for anything serious right now.”

“Let’s just go out and have a good time then. I won’t rush you.”

She shook her head, letting the silence lengthen. Letting the action speak the words.

That charming smile never faltered. “Okay, you’re focused on your career right now. I get that. I respect it, even. I can wait.”

“And disappoint all the single women of Riverbend? That would just be cruel.”

“Aw, Robinson.” He palmed his chest theatrically. “You’re breaking my heart.”

“I can see that.” She extended her arms. “Come here. Let’s hug it out.”

He stepped into her embrace. “This isn’t how I saw our good night going.”

“No doubt.” She chuckled as she wrapped her arms around him. “You’re a swell guy, Rodriguez.”


“I really do want to be friends. I’m not just saying that, you know.”

“You’re killing me here.”

She stepped away, stretching her lips in a wide smile.

His eyes twinkled in the shadows. “All right, all right, I can take a hint.”

“Did you miss that whole part about friendship?”

“Okay,friend. I’m sure we’ll see each other around—this town being the size of a Monopoly board and all.”

She tilted a wary look at him. “You’re going to pull me over and give me a speeding ticket, aren’t you?”

“Not if you don’t speed.”

Avery laughed. “Thank you for a very nice evening.”

He flashed a smile as he turned to go. “You change your mind, you know where to find me.”

The guy was persistent, she’d give him that. She slowly shook her head. “Good night, Rodriguez.”

“Good night, Robinson.”

She remained in the shadows as he descended the stairs. At the bottom, as he made a U-turn for the parking lot, the streetlight pushed back the shadows on his face. His guard had dropped, and his dimple was gone. His eyes turned down at the corners, his face crestfallen.

She blinked. Beneath that cavalier exterior was a man who actually cared for her. The revelation stole her breath. Averystepped quietly inside, closed the door, and leaned against it. The attraction had never been there for her, and still she’d agreed to the date, given him false hope.

Guilt tightened her chest as she closed her eyes and exhaled a long breath. “Well, crap.”


“How’d your date with Ricky Rodriguez go, honey?” Lisa heaped a serving of broccoli salad onto her plate and passed the bowl to her husband.

Avery had been wondering when that would come up. The Robinsons had been gathered around the table for a whole two minutes. “It was fine. Rick was a perfect gentleman. We had fun.”

“She shut him down,” Cooper said with a full mouth.

“I told him I’d like to be friends.”