When she opened the door, her brother’s prominent brows drew tight over his deep-set brown eyes. At six two Cooper towered over her, and in his sheriff’s uniform he cut a formidable figure.
“Why are you here?” he asked.
“Isn’t that my line?”
“You said there was an emergency last night that kept you up late.”
“There was.” This was where she should probably add that her patient was still here. But she didn’t keep patients around after the emergencies passed. And she certainly didn’t offer them a shower and a bed in which to recover. Speaking of which, she could faintly hear the rush of water from here.
“You gonna let me in or what?”
She reluctantly stepped aside and closed the door but didn’t move from the foyer.
Cooper tilted his head and a lock of dark-brown hair fell over his forehead. “So really, what are you doing in here? This is your day off.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m writing a grant.”
“You work too much. You should take better care of yourself.”
“Pot, meet kettle.”
He scowled, no doubt wanting to add that their circumstances were entirely different, but her arched brow dared him to say it. It worked.
“Which brings us back to, why areyouhere?” she asked.
“Are you at all interested in Rick Rodriguez?”
Avery blinked. “That was blunt and awkward, even for you.”
“He was asking about you again this morning. He’s single, gainfully employed, and I’m told he’s a nice-enough-looking guy.”
“He’s a flirt.”
“No doubt. But surely you can tell he likes you. He’s been interested for months.”
Avery sharpened her gaze on him. “Katie sent you, didn’t she?”
He rubbed the back of his neck.
Busted. Katie might be Cooper’s girl, but her best friend knew Avery pretty well. “What is this, sixth grade? I don’t need help getting a date, and I’m sure Rick doesn’t either.”
“Katie thought you might want to double-date with us. You know, just to make things easier or whatever. Besides, you won’t give him your number, and I’m tired of hearing the guy pine after you at the office.”
In the distance the shower shut off. Avery glanced down the hall. Wes would be coming out soon, and she really didn’t care to explain why she’d kept him around another night. She wasn’t even sure she knew the answer.
“So whaddaya say?”
She could say that dating was a waste of time because she was never going to get married. But she wasn’t ready to go therejust yet. “As I’ve said before—many times—I’m focusing on my work right now.”
“Your clinic is up and running—and doing quite well from what I understand. Maybe it’s time to invest in a social life. You’re not getting any younger, you know.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Really?”
“Just saying. Come on, he’s a nice guy. One date. What would it hurt?”
A sound came from the back, and Cooper’s attention focused down the hall.
Avery stiffened.