“I’m just sorry your hike got delayed. And the rain this week certainly didn’t help matters.”

“First of all, have you hiked in the rain? By Friday I was glad just to be dry. And it wasn’t a complete loss. I was able to get started on the interior painting.”

“And now you have to endure paint fumes all night long.”

“It isn’t so bad with the windows open. I was glad to tear into the roof today though. So far I haven’t found any rotted sheeting.”

“That’s good news. How long will the roof take?”

“If all goes well, another day or two. The cleanup is time consuming.”

Avery considered a second breadstick, then remembered the snug dress she’d worn the night before and decided against it. She’d filled out a little in past year or so and hadn’t realized it—the perils of scrub life.

Then she remembered the way Wes stared at her figure—he sure hadn’t seemed to mind the extra pound or two. Her face heated as her eyes flashed up to his.

He was watching her. He’d finished his food and propped his elbows on the table, leaning forward. “Sounds like you were pretty busy in college. Did you make any time for dating?”

Her antennae went up at the personal question. But whatwas the harm? “Not much. I dated casually and had one serious relationship in undergrad—Sam.”

“How long were you together?”

“A little over a year. He was already in med school and serious about his grades too, so it worked out.” She gave him a wry look. “There were a lot of study dates.”

“Sounds romantic.”

“Oh, he had his moments. I really couldn’t have dated anyone who demanded too much of my time.”

His blue eyes drifted over her features, seeming to take her in. “Were you in love with him?”

Avery considered that, not for the first time. “I think I was. And he seemed to return the feelings. He could be fun, and I probably needed someone to remind me life existed outside the classroom. He made me smile.” She’d been seriously considering a future with him until—

“That’s a great quality. What happened between you?”

She let out a grim laugh. She had revealed she was a potential Huntington’s carrier, that’s what. But she wasn’t about to disclose that information. Except for Katie, she no longer told people about her potential diagnosis. Once they knew they treated her differently. They stared at her with pity or—as Sam had done—made a quick exit from her life.

After she’d broken the news to him, he tried to convince her to have the test. Made it sound as if taking it was obviously the right thing to do. But he wasn’t the one whose future could be doomed with the results. Wasn’t the one who’d had to watch her good-natured mother evolve into a stranger who screamed and pounded the walls in anger, her speech so garbled she was, at times, incoherent.

When Avery had refused to be pushed into taking the test, Sam got angry.“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? You hid this from me. This is a big deal, Avery.”As if she hadn’t known that. In the end he blamed her for the demise of their relationship.

She’d had plenty of time to reflect during her remaining years of school. Maybe she should’ve told Sam sooner. But when exactly was the right time? Before they’d become exclusive? Before they fell in love? Scare him away before they’d even had a chance?

That line of thinking only reinforced her decision to remain single for life. That was the only way to keep anyone from getting hurt.

“Sorry,” Wes said. “Didn’t mean to pry.”

Avery blinked away the memories. She hadn’t meant to get stuck in the past. “Not at all. I just—I guess you could say we had irreconcilable differences. That sounds lame, but it’s true nonetheless. Anyway, I don’t think he could’ve settled here in Riverbend. He was more of a city guy. He ended up taking a residency in Chicago.”

“Where is he now?”

“I have no idea. We’re not Facebook friends anymore.”

He tweaked a brow. “You’ve never stalked him a little just to find out? I thought everyone did that.”

She grinned. “I don’t spend much time on social media. But that raises the question: Do you have a former girlfriend you’re prone to stalking online? Inquiring minds want to know.”

He chuckled. “I guess I asked for that. But no, I’m not a stalker—online or in person. I do have a couple ex-girlfriends though.”

She grabbed her drink and settled back in her chair. “Do tell.”