“See you.” He watched her retreat down the short hall and into the restroom. Only when the door closed did he return his attention to the table.


“What was that?” Katie asked the moment the bathroom door closed behind Avery. Her friend straightened from the mirror, holding an open tube of lip gloss.

“What was what?”

“You like him.”


“Who,” Katie scoffed. “Your backyard buddy, that’s who. That’s why you’re not interested in Deputy McDreamy.”

“No, that’s not at all—”

“Did you see the way he gawked at you?”

“Not really.” Actually, the way his gaze raked over her had given her chills. Just the thought of it made her arms prickle with gooseflesh all over again. Avery pulled her lip gloss from her purse and began applying it.

“Please. He was staring at you like a starving man eyes an all-you-can-eat buffet.”

“Nice analogy.”

“You should go out with him. I mean it’s clear you’re not really into Rick. You could’ve fit a semitruck between you when you were dancing. Why didn’t you tell me something was going on between you and Wes?”

“There’s nothing going on. He’s just passing through. And anyway, I’m not looking for—”

“—anything serious right now.” Katie rolled her eyes. “I know, I know. But, honey... sometimes love just comes a-knockin’. And you definitely want to answer that door.”

Avery capped her lip gloss. “Spoken like the besotted woman you are. Come on, let’s get on with this date.”

“Spoken like a woman with a checklist. You’re hopeless.”

“Please keep that in mind next time you’re tempted to set me up.”

Katie huffed as they exited the restroom. Avery didn’t even glance in the poolroom as they passed.

But ten minutes later she couldn’t resist sneaking a peek. Wes bent over the table lining up a shot. His opponent stood nearby. Stewie Mason—the man she’d warned him away from.

Before she could look away, Wes straightened from his shot, and his gaze locked on her.

Trying to telegraph a warning, she cut her eyes to Stewie, then back to Wes and gave her head a sharp shake.

The corner of Wes’s lip lifted and he winked at her.

Avery took the steps to her apartment, Rick on her heels. Night sounds carried on around them: the warbling drone of cicadas, the chirp of a nearby cricket, and the deep croak of a bullfrogdown by the river. But the cacophony was simply background noise for her internal thoughts.

No doubt Rick was used to getting what he wanted where women were concerned. But Avery was certain his healthy ego would easily sustain the blow of rejection. Once she reached the top of the stairs, she unlocked her door and turned to face him. The interior light she’d left on cast a dim glow over his attractive features.

“I had a great time tonight,” he said. “I’d like to go out with you again.”

She gave him her bestbad newssmile. “Listen, Rick...”

“Oh no. You had a terrible time. You never want to see my ugly mug again.” A shadow pooled in his dimple.

“No, no, not at all. It was fun. You know how to show a woman a good time.”

“I hear a bigbutat the end of that sentence.”