Avery gave her reflection one last glance before she opened the door.

Katie’s smile bloomed. “There are those curves. And I’d forgotten what great collarbones you have. Skip the necklace. Let’s find some dangly earrings.” She glanced at Avery’s ponytail. “And we need to do something else with your hair.”

“It’s a chic ponytail. I even wrapped a strand around the elastic.”

“I can hardly even remember what your hair looks like down. Pleeaase?”

“Fine, but I’ll curl it myself. You still have to run home and get ready.”

Katie checked her watch. “Ooh, you’re right.” She snatched her purse off the sofa and turned at the door, a twinkle in her eyes. “And don’t forget, a little mascara and lipstick never hurt anyone.”

Avery grabbed a throw pillow and tossed it at her friend. It hit the back of the door and fell to the floor as Katie’s laughter carried through the walls.

Avery should’ve just agreed to meet Rick at the restaurant. But it was too late now. As she secured her earring, the second knock sounded on her door. She grabbed her purse, slipped into the flats, and opened the door.

Rick’s eyes made a quick sweep of her figure and his dark eyes lit. “Wow, I am one lucky man.”

“Good to see you, Rick. You look nice too.” His thick jet-black hair, rich bronzed skin, and athletic build attracted plenty of female attention. His Spanish accent and flirtatious ways didn’t hurt matters either.

They made small talk as he escorted her to his Chevy truck. Even in jeans and a button-down, Rick walked with a confident swagger that screamed law enforcement.

Avery made an effort to keep the conversation flowing on the short ride to the Trailhead, and soon they were pulling in to the parking lot. Cars packed the lot tonight since a band was playing, but Cooper had managed to reserve a table—a perk of holding a county office.

Ever the gentleman, Rick helped her from the truck and ledher inside. The welcome coolness of air-conditioning swept over Avery’s skin as she entered, and the delicious aroma of smoked brisket beckoned her. The lobby was elbow to elbow with people, but Rick took her hand and led her through the throng and toward a booth along the wall. They exchanged greetings with Cooper and Katie.

“You look great,” Katie said over the streamed-in music.

“Me? Look at you.” Katie wore her long blonde locks in beach waves, and her makeup was spot on. “How do you go from nurse to knockout in fifteen minutes flat?”

Katie waved off the compliment as they picked up the menus and debated the specials. When they’d decided, they put in their order with the busy server.

After she left, Avery directed the conversation toward Cooper and Katie. “How goes the wedding planning? Did you make any progress this week?”

“The invitations came in yesterday,” Katie said. “I forgot to tell you. They’re beautiful.”

“Lucky for you,” Avery said, “Cooper has good handwriting.”

“Hey, I’m doing my part.”

Katie wrapped her arm around his. “You are, sweetheart. You’ve been a great help.”

“When’s the big date?” Rick asked.

Katie frowned. “Didn’t you get your save-the-date card?”

“I did but”—Rick shrugged—“I’m not sure where it went.”

“Typical bachelor,” Avery teased.

Rick gave her a saucy smile. “If only you’d put me out of my misery and marry me.”

“I think that’s your third proposal.”

Rick pouted. “And still it’s a no.”

“The wedding’s September third,” Cooper said.

“It’s really coming up fast,” Avery said. “Then again, what do you expect when you have a six-month engagement?”