“We won’t,” Cooper said.

“You shouldn’t be rude,” Mom said after the man slipped out of the office. “He’s a nice boy.”

A moan sounded from the jail cell.

Mom glanced that direction. “Is that man okay?”

“Just a hangover. What’s up?”

The concern on her face shifted to something less sympathetic and infinitely more stubborn. “Jeff and I are calling a family meeting tomorrow night and you’re coming.”

He gave a slow shake of his head. “Listen, I’m really busy—”

“Well, get unbusy.”

“I have an appointment with—”

“This is your family, Cooper Robinson. Nothing is more important than that.”

“She’s right, man,” Jaron whined from his cell. “Family’s all that really matters.”

Cooper set down his pen, giving a hard sigh. “Look, Ma, I’m not sure this is a good idea. It’s too soon. Gavin’s still pretty upset and—”

“How would you know? You haven’t seen him since your brawl.”

“Hardly a brawl—I didn’t even fight back.”

“You want a trophy?”

He pressed his lips together. She had a sharp tongue, his mom.

“It’s been two weeks, and I’m not letting you guys steep in this hogwash any longer. It’s not healthy. It happened. We need to get it out on the table and deal with it.”

“What else is there to say?”

“Well, gee, I don’t know. You could apologize for starters.”

“I did!”

“Maybe this comes as a shock, but you kissed your brother’s girlfriend—it might take more than one apology.”

“Dude . . .” Jaron muttered. “You poached your brother’s girl?”

Cooper frowned at him. “Do you mind?”

Mom hitched her purse onto her shoulder. “I’m not taking no for an answer. I’ll see you tomorrow at six. Bring a dish.”

From across the hall came a weak laugh. “And you were givingmeadvice?”

Cooper had intended to arrive early, but the stupid dish had taken longer to cook than he’d expected. When he rounded the corner of his parents’ house, everyone else was already there. Jeff flipped burgers on the grill. Avery talked to Mom on the patio, and Gavin perched on the picnic table, looking like he’d rather be sitting atop an active volcano.

Cooper sucked in a breath of courage, his pulse thrumming in his ears. He’d missed his brother the past couple weeks and wanted nothing more than to put things right between them. He just didn’t know what he could say or do to make that happen.

Gavin caught sight of him and his spine straightened. “Surprised you had the nerve to show up. Nice shiner.”

Cooper held his tongue as he set his mac and cheese on the table with the other dishes.

“Thank you for coming, honey.” Mom gave him a stiff hug, then shot Gavin a pointed look. “We’re going to be adults about this. Aren’t we?”