“Okay, I won’t say anything.”

“Thanks.” He tried for a smile and came up a little short. “And thanks for talking it out with me.”

“I’ll be praying it all works out.”


As Cooper drove home anger churned in his stomach. He took several deep breaths. He had to calm down, keep his head when he talked to Megan.

He tried to give Megan the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Amber had misheard Megan. Maybe she was desperate for a baby daddy. Maybe she was mentally ill and actually believed he was the father. MaybeAmberwas mentally ill and made the whole thing up. Maybe it hadn’t been Megan at the salon at all but her long-lost twin sister out for revenge. He gave his head a shake. He’d wandered into soap opera territory with that one.

He recalled the moment Katelyn had found him in the hallway.He almost didn’t tell her. He only now realized why that was: he was terrified she wouldn’t believe him. Amber’s disbelief had made him angry, but Kate’s disbelief . . . That would gut him.

But she did believe him. The thought soothed him, and the anger that had flared up burned a little dimmer.

But a few minutes later when he got home and called Megan, his fury ignited again. The woman’s number had been disconnected.


Katie was dying to know how Cooper’s phone call had gone.

She changed into her pajamas and slid into bed, her thoughts spinning. It had been so hard sitting at the Trailhead, trying to be a good date, when she wanted nothing more than to reach out to Cooper. But Gavin wanted to stay until the band played two sets, and now it was almost eleven thirty. Probably too late to call Cooper or even text.

She grabbed her phone off the nightstand, propped her pillows, and stared at the home screen—a photo of Spencer and her. Should she text Cooper? She only had his number because she’d called him once about returning a shirt she’d borrowed on their hike. She’d ended up dropping it off on his porch.

Her fingers hovered over the texting app. She was worried about him. He’d been understandably upset. She opened the app, clicked on his name, and began typing.

Hi, it’s Katie. How did it go?

He was probably asleep. After all, it was a work night and he had to be up early. Yet so did she, and here she was.

Three dots appeared in the text box. Katie waited, her pulse kicking up a notch.

Hi Kate. It didn’t. Her number was disconnected. I know someone who might have it though. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Why would she do this to you? Was there an ugly breakup or something?

We only went out a couple times. But yes, it was a little ugly. I caught her in a lie and called her on it. She got nasty with me.

Oh no. Would she do this out of spite? That seems extreme. Maybe she just changed her number when she moved.

I don’t see why she would. I just hope the rumor doesn’t spread before I can get a handle on this.

She’d been here long enough to know the Riverbend grapevine was alive and well.

Have you told anyone in your family yet?

I’d like to talk to Megan before I do that. Make sure there hasn’t been some kind of misunderstanding on Amber’s part.

Is there anything I can do?

Three dots appeared in the space. They blinked and blinked. Was he going to respond?

Finally his reply popped up.

You’ve been great Kate. I could use your prayers.

Her heart gave a tug.