“We were hoping to but...” Cooper looked pointedly around the crowded lobby.

“We’ve got room at our table. Come sit with us.”

Us.Cooper scanned the restaurant and his gaze homed in on Kate. He opened his mouth, a refusal on his lips.

But Amber spoke first. “That’d be so great. My feet are killing me.”

“Perfect. We haven’t even ordered yet.”

Gavin took their drink orders, then Cooper and Amber headed toward the maze of tables. On the way they passed groups of people he knew, and he paused briefly by each table to chat a minute, introducing Amber, who actually did seem “fine” when she was talking to other people.

By the time they reached their table, Gavin was already seated. When Kate spotted him, her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Hey.” Cooper glanced between the couple. “Sure you guys don’t mind the company?”

“Glad you showed up. Right, Katie?”

“The more the merrier.” The words were more welcoming than her tone.

This would be fun. Fortunately, the band was about ready to play and would serve as a nice distraction.

The server showed up a few minutes later, harried and distracted. They gave their orders as the band kicked into their first rousing country song, and the noise level went up several decibels. He was all kinds of grateful that conversation would be almost impossible.

Gavin and Kate pulled their chairs together and turned them to better see the stage. He slipped an arm around her, cupping her bare shoulder, and his thumb stroked her neck.

Cooper clenched his teeth.

They listened to the band awhile, Cooper attempting to keep a tight rein on his attention. Otherwise, it drifted automatically to Katelyn. He cursed his excellent peripheral vision because he could still see every touch, every glimpse. Sitting at their table had been a mistake. He should’ve taken Amber someplace else. But then he’d be suffering through this cold-shoulder business without any distractions.

When the band segued into a slow song, Gavin pulled Kate to her feet. They headed toward the dance floor where he drew her close. Gavin slid his arm around her waist, settled his hand low on her back, and positioned his foot between hers. As the lead singer crooned about a broken heart, Kate rested her head on Gavin’s shoulder.

Cooper forced his gaze away from the couple, but he couldn’t unsee that cozy picture. Couldn’t stop the jealousy twisting his gut. For about two seconds he entertained the idea of asking Amber to dance, but given her current mood he didn’t think she’d consent. He did, however, need to get to the bottom of this.

He scooted his chair closer and leaned in. “Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”

She ignored him for several long seconds.

Was she just going to pretend she hadn’t heard him? If so, this would be their last date. He didn’t care for the silent treatment much less outright disregard.

But a few beats later she spoke, her eyes still fixed on the band. “Megan Taylor came into the salon this afternoon.” Her tone was conversational.

Okay... He’d gone out with Megan a couple times in April, and as he’d told Gavin, it had ended badly. “I thought she moved to Mars Hill.”

“She did.”

He wasn’t sure where Amber was going with this. She couldn’t be jealous, could she? When he’d gone out with Megan he didn’t even know Amber. Maybe Megan knew he and Amber were talking now and had baited her somehow. It was possible she was that spiteful.

Finally Amber turned to him, but her sunny smile was nowhere to be seen. “When were you going to tell me, Cooper?”

“Tell you what?”

She gave him a withering look. “I know about the baby. For heaven’s sake—she’sshowing.”

Cooper blinked. “What?”

Amber rolled her eyes. “Save the innocent act. I know we only just barely started dating, but this isn’t a small thing. I don’t even know why I came out with you tonight.” She started to get up.

He grabbed her. “Wait.”