“I heard the picnic went well,” Gavin said. “There was definitely kissing involved.”

Cooper scowled at him. Stupid grapevine.

“Well,” Mom said, “it was clear she was interested, that’s all.”

“Thank you, Mom,” he said facetiously.

“I’m not butting in—just trying to be helpful.”

“I can handle my own love life, thanks just the same. What about you, Avery? Are you seeing anyone these days?”

She pushed her mahogany hair over her shoulder. “I’m having an extended affair with my clinic, and we’re very happy together.”

Mom glanced at Jeff. “How’d we raise these two? Didn’t we provide an adequate example of happy married life? One of you is a workaholic and the other can’t seem to make it past three dates.”

“Give me credit for trying,” Cooper said. “Besides, I have a demanding job, and there is the small matter of my run for sheriff.”

“And between the clinic and Coop’s campaign, I’ve got all I can handle.”

Mom picked up her burger. “I give up.”

“Finally,” Cooper muttered, earning him a frown.

“You should join a dating website,” Jeff said to Cooper. “Broaden your horizons.”

“And disappoint all the single ladies of Riverbend?” Avery took a bite of her burger.

“That seems to be the way all the kids are doing it these days.”

“I’m not joining a dating site.” Cooper’s eyes connected with Kate’s, and he caught the little twitch of her lips. The irritation drained right out of him, and his own lips tilted upward.

“Anyway, I told Amber you’d give her a call,” Mom said.

That caught his attention. “What?”

“She wants to volunteer for your campaign and after all, you can hardly have too much help.”

Amber wanted to be more than a volunteer for his campaign. But at his mom’s prolonged look, he sighed. “Fine, I’ll call her.”

“Don’t sound so begrudging. She’s a lovely girl.”

Cooper let the subject drop and thankfully Jeff changed the topic.


Katie tossed the beanbag, which landed on the slanted wooden board right next to the hole.

“Nice,” Gavin said from across the grassy lawn.

Her last shot arced through the air and sank into the hole.

Gavin punched the air. “Yes!”

“Good one,” said Avery, who stood next to her.

“We’re up by four.” Gavin collected the red and blue bags with Cooper.

“Did we mention Coop and Avery are undefeated this year?” Lisa asked Katie from the picnic table.