Mrs. Curtis grinned. “Too long.”

“Not too long for a slab of that brisket I smell,” Wayne said. “You’re welcome to join us. We could cut a good twenty minutes off your wait.”

“That’s awful nice of you,” Cooper said. “But I’m pretty hungry and I think I see an empty spot at the bar.”

“You’d better grab it then before someone else does,” Mr. Curtis said. “Nice seeing you.”

“You too.” He gave them a nod, then headed straight to an empty barstool and ordered a drink.

Loud country music streamed through the speakers, mingling with the happy sounds of chatter. The tantalizing scent of smoked brisket settled his order—as if it hadn’t already been decided. He placed the order with Bridgett, the brunette photographer who’d come to town a few years ago and stuck.

Even though it had been a long day, Cooper socialized with those around him. He was introverted by nature, but when you were in law enforcement, it was important to know your neighbors. Having a good rapport with people kept situations from escalating. Not to mention without community support his run for sheriff would be an epic fail.

He watched the Braves game on the big screen above the bar, applauding with the crowd when a runner scored and groaning when the Cubs caught a fly ball, ending the inning.

“Hey, Bro.” Gavin settled on the stool beside him.

“Hey. Thought you’d be out with Katie tonight.”

“Grass needed mowing. It’s been raining all week, and the campground looked like a hay field.”

“That’s the beauty of living in an apartment—someone else does all the work. Get it done?”

“Yeah, after getting stuck in the muck twice. Stopped by Katie’s place, but she wasn’t there, so I thought I’d grab some dinner. What’s the special?”

“Is there anything here besides barbeque?”

“The meatloaf’s not bad and the burgers are—”

Bridgett set Cooper’s platter in front of him. “Bon appétit.”

Gavin reached for his plate. “Aw, thanks, man. You didn’t have to.”

Cooper swatted his hand. “Been waiting forty-five minutes for this.”

Gavin flagged down Bridgett and ordered his own brisket. “So...” he said after they watched the Braves get another runner on base. “What’d you think of her?”


“Who do you think? Katie?”

Cooper chewed the bite. He thought she was beautiful and sweet and funny. He thought she made his heart jump and his palms sweat. He swallowed the bite. “Seems nice enough.”

“She fit in with the family really well, didn’t she?”

“Sure, guess so.”

Gavin’s gaze sharpened on him. “Why’d you say it like that?”

“Like what? She’s great. Really. Everyone liked her.”

Gavin returned his attention to the game. “I guess she was pretty scared out on that ridge. That could’ve gone really wrong.”

“She was a real trooper.”

“Yeah? She made it sound like she fell apart or something.”

“Nah. She handled it well.” Most people would’ve beenfreaking out, their life hanging in the balance like that. “She was real brave.”