Katie’s house had never been so immaculate. She stood, wet sponge in hand, and surveyed the sparkling kitchen floor. The clean scent of pine hung in the air, mingling with the lemony fragrance of furniture polish. The house looked like a model home, the colorful throw pillows placed just so, all evidence of her personal life packed into boxes.

She’d leave the furnishings for now—the house would show better staged. Once it sold she’d hire a moving company. And then someone else would move into her sweet little home.

Her gaze flittered around the house she’d made her own. The pretty blue walls and the curtains she’d painstakingly chosen. The light fixtures she’d hung and the faucet she’d replaced.

She thought of the leak that had sprouted and the way Cooper had rushed to her rescue. Remembered how he emerged from the cabinet wet and flustered. She tipped her lips in a wistful smile, and her chest gave a tight squeeze.

Oh, how she missed him.

She wrapped her arms around her middle, the thought of leaving him—of putting so many miles between them—almost unbearable.

A knock sounded on the door.Cooper.

She gave her head a hard shake at the wishful thinking. He wasno doubt busy with his campaign today. Anyway, he had no reason to seek her out.

She headed for the door, wishing she wasn’t wearing her grubbiest T-shirt and leggings. The mirror next to the door revealed a hairstyle that gave new meaning to the wordsmessy bun. Oh well. Whoever was knocking would only be a distant memory soon. She pulled open the door and blinked at the sight of the woman on her stoop.

“Lisa... What are you doing here? I mean, I wasn’t expecting you.”

Lisa gave a contrite smile. “You once told me I was welcome here anytime. I was hoping you hadn’t changed your mind.”

“Of course not.” Katie opened the door wider. “Come on in.”

Lisa brushed past her, taking in the living room, her focus finally settling on the boxes stacked near the hall. “I see you’ve been cleaning—and packing.”

“Avery probably told you I’m putting the house on the market. Would you like something to drink? Well, I guess I’m pretty much down to just water.”

Lisa said nothing for a moment, and then her eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Katie. I am so sorry for the way I’ve treated you.”

Apparently they were going to get straight down to business. “I understand, Lisa. Really. I hurt your sons and you’re a good mother—a protective mother. I don’t blame you one bit.”

Lisa took Katie’s hand. “Well, you should because I’m also your friend, and I’ve failed terribly at that. I’ve done nothing but avoid you for weeks. And if I were such a great mother, I would’ve been demonstrating forgiveness and mercy instead of holding one mistake over your head. No wonder you’re leaving town.”

“That’s not why I’m leaving.” She paused at the impulsive statement. It was actually true.

She strolled to the picture window, staring at her lovely littleyard with its beautifully arranged flowers. At the hydrangeas Lisa had helped her plant—that she would never see bloom. Until this moment she’d thought the absence of family was driving her from Riverbend. But in the blink of an eye she’d realized that wasn’t true.

She was leaving because of Cooper. He would never betray his brother by committing himself to her. Staying here would be a temptation neither of them could afford. And having him close by and still out of reach would be unbearable.

Furthermore, Cooper would eventually move on. How could she stomach seeing him with someone else? Someone he’d eventually fall in love with, get engaged and married to? How could she watch while she lost the only man she’d ever loved—the one she felt was meant to be hers alone? No, this town wasn’t big enough for both of them.

The wind chimes on her porch tinkled as an autumn breeze swept by, reminding her of home. But she wasn’t meant to belong in Riverbend. Maybe she wasn’t meant to belong anywhere. Maybe the sound of that melodious chime was the closest she’d ever come to home.

“Honey, please don’t leave.” Lisa had come to stand near her, tears sparkling in her eyes. “I know I don’t deserve another chance. But I speak for my whole family when I say—we want you to stay, Katie. You belong here. You’ve become part of the family. I know things are a little precarious with the feelings between you and Cooper, but we can work around that, can’t we? I’ve missed you so much. I love you, and I can’t stand the thought that I’ve caused you pain. That I’ve chased you away.”

Katie embraced the woman, holding tightly to the mother figure who would always have a little piece of her heart. “You didn’t chase me away, Lisa. I promise. And I love you too—but I do have to go.”

Lisa pulled back, grasping Katie’s forearms, eyes searching. “But why?”

Katie lifted her lips in a sad smile and said the only thing she could. “Because those feelings I have for Cooper? I can’t work around them.”

The corners of Lisa’s pretty blue eyes drooped. “Oh, Katie.”

“I’ll be fine. I have family in Asheville, and I’m sure I’ll find a great job doing what I love. Avery’s already promised me a glowing recommendation.” The optimistic tone she strove for fell short.

“Is there anything I can do to change your mind?”

“You’ve been great, Lisa. But no, my mind is made up.”