“That’s the spirit. And I don’t like Oreos, so clearly your work here isn’t finished.”

“That’s not possible.” Her breath whispered against his skin. “Everyone likes Oreos.”

“I really don’t care for sweets in general.”

“And here I was starting to like you.” Her words trembled. “You’re very calm in a crisis, Deputy.”

“Part of the job.”

“Whoops.” She removed her nails from his arm. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to cut off your circulation.”

“Yeah, I really hate it when pretty women hang on to me.”

Once she was back in place, he eased his weight off the door frame, one pound at a time. When he’d completely removed himself, he backed away from the vehicle.

“If this car does go, you won’t be able to save me, you know. I’d rather you didn’t die trying.”

“The car’s not going anywhere. And I’ve already decreed this a rescue. I’ve even filled out the accident report in my head. Done deal.” He sank back onto the rock. “Now, where were we?”

She let out a mirthless laugh. “I have no idea.”

He did. Things had just been getting good. But the brush with death had sobered him right up. His damp T-shirt clung to his back. “What brings you to Riverbend, Katelyn? I assume that’s where you were headed. Planning to hike the Appalachian Trail?”

“My idea of roughing it is sleeping on two-hundred-thread-count sheets, so no.” She gave him a wry smile, but the corners of her eyes were tight.

“Not everyone’s a thru-hiker. Lots of people just do day hikes. There are some good ones around here: Lover’s Leap, Roundtop Ridge, Hickory Fork . . .”

“My brother always wanted to hike the whole AT. He talked about it all the time, starting in Georgia in the spring and working his way up to Maine.”

“That’s the way most people do it.”

“Have you hiked the whole trail?” she asked.

“Only parts of it. Georgia and North Carolina. Takes a lot of time and I have to, you know, work.”

“That work thing gets in the way, doesn’t it? I’m not a complete slacker though. I do jog for exercise.”

“Oh yeah? Like that runner’s high, do you?”

“No, I just like to eat cookies. Do you work out?” Her gaze flickered over him. “Scratch that.Howdoyou work out?”

“I have a home gym. And I hike a lot, of course.”

“I guess you have to stay in shape for your job.”

“I like working out. Great stress reliever.”

“What do you get stressed about?”

“Did I mention my family?” He instantly regretted the words, given her lack of relatives.

But she laughed and set her head against the headrest, her chest still heaving. “I’m so hungry right now. How ridiculous that I’m thinking about food at a time like this.”

“Why didn’t you say so? I have protein bars in my bag.” He started to get up.

Her eyes flashed with fear. “Oh no you don’t. If I go down in flames, you’re gonna be right here watching.”

He sank back down,tsking. “There you go again, hurting my feelings.”