Page 60 of Bullied Mate

“I love you.”


“Klaus, you’re pushing it, but, I do love you, and yeah, I want to make this work. You and me, if you want to, of course.”

“Yeah, I do.”

He pressed his face against her neck, hearing the pack as they cheered. He breathed in her soft scent, and he knew he was never going to let her go.

Not ever.

He’d bullied her, and now, he was going to love her for the rest of his life. Glancing over his shoulder, he looked at his dad, who discreetly gave him a thumbs-up, so no one would see.

Knowing he had his father’s blessing was a huge relief, but there was one person he had to make it right with.

He pressed a final kiss to Poppy’s lips, took hold of her hand, and turned to Anna.

“I know I don’t deserve your daughter, and I have a lot to make up for, but I will do everything in my power to make it right.”

Anna’s lips were pursed as she looked at him, then at her daughter. Poppy gripped his bicep and rested her head against his shoulder.

She pointed at Poppy. “I don’t like that you kept secrets from me, but … I understand it. You have my blessing, but I can promise you, Klaus Demon, alpha’s son or not, I will castrate you if you hurt my daughter again.”

“I will give them to you, willingly,” Klaus said.

Anna moved toward him and kissed his cheek. This time, Klaus smiled as Poppy finally growled.

“I’m sorry,” she said, hiding her face away.

He had no problem with her being jealous, no problem at all.


Five years later

“ … and then Mommy forgave you?”

Klaus looked down at his son and daughter. Twins. Born within a minute of each other.

He and Poppy had been gifted with these two angels. When they realized she had gotten pregnant from their first time together, Klaus had been worried. He was worried that Poppy might have felt trapped, but she hadn’t.

This had brought them closer.

Klaus had been with her every single step of the way. Every single appointment. He’d stayed up all night when the babies had been kicking so badly that she couldn’t sleep. They even went to birthing classes together.

For each other, they made up for the years he’d been a total bastard to her.

“Yes, Mommy forgave me, but you know what that means, don’t you?” he asked.

“That Mommy loves you very much,” his little girl Lisbeth said.

He smiled. “Yes, she loves me very much, but it also means that you two have to make sure you are never mean to anyone. Ever.”

They both nodded and then looked at each and laughed.

He loved these two.

“Now, what is tonight?” he asked.