Page 58 of Bullied Mate

He was there to catch her, pulling her into his arms and spinning her around.


His father advised him not to arrive straight away. To see how Poppy handled the intervention.

Klaus didn’t like it. His wolf had liked it even less.

Standing in the shadows, watching as his mate arrived at the town square, seeing what was happening, and not being able to do anything had irritated him.

The wolf within him wanted nothing more than to chase after Greg, to slaughter him. He should get extra alpha points for keeping his shit together. There were a few moments when he nearly attacked. Even now, he wanted to tear Greg’s head off.

“What is the meaning of this?” Lionel asked. “I was not made aware this young wolf was mated. Are you attempting to make a mockery of me?”

His father had explained all of the details to him. How this could potentially go down. The potential insult that might arise from them keeping their mating a secret.

Klaus took hold of Poppy’s hand, locking their fingers together. They stepped toward Lionel and Greg. His father was on the other side, as was his mother.

Last night, they had promised to support him in whatever decision he was willing to make.

Giving up Poppy was never an option.

“There is no insult,” Klaus said. “We did not go out of our way to insult or humiliate you. Until yesterday, my father didn’t even know of our mating. Anna has only learned about it now.”

He glanced at Anna, and she didn’t look happy.

He was going to have to make it up to her mother soon as well. It would seem he had fucked up quite a few times.

“When did you know you were mates?” one of his pack asked.

Klaus looked toward Poppy.

“When I first transitioned,” Poppy said. “Klaus wanted to tell everyone, and I … I was the one who made him keep it a secret.”


“How come?”

“Being mates is the best thing.”

Klaus tightened his hold on Poppy. “Because I was the asshole. I … bullied Poppy in high school. No one knew about it because she never reported it, and I made sure no one was around. She deserves better than me. I am going to be better. That’s why she didn’t want to mate with me. She didn’t want anything to do with me.”

“And now?” Greg asked.

“Now, we’re mates,” Klaus said. “We’re working on it.” He kissed Poppy’s cheek. “We … we know that mates are important. We were not insulting anyone. She’s my mate, and I knew that once my parents knew, I’d have to share her, and that sucked. I was being selfish. I needed Poppy for myself.”

“And I … I didn’t know if I wanted to be mated to him,” Poppy said. “We … this has been kind of complicated.”

A chuckle sounded from someone in their pack.

Klaus stepped forward and held his hand out to Greg. “I know why you would pick her. She is the best damn woman you could ask for, but you can’t have her. We can fight this out, but it will have to be to the death.”

“No!” Anna yelled, and he turned toward her. “No fight to the death. If they cannot accept the fact you are mated, then they have no right to be here. No mate should have to die to prove it. I have lived with the death of my mate, and I would not wish it on my own enemy.”

Anna moved toward them and she put a hand on Poppy’s shoulder, and then on his. “My daughter is mated. She has found her one true mate, and like life, it is complicated. I was not aware of this. Otherwise, I would not have agreed to this union. Anything my daughter and your son would have would be pale in comparison to that of a true mate. You know this, Lionel. Your son deserves the chance to find his real mate. Not a stand-in.”

Klaus didn’t know if this was acceptance or not. Either way, he was willing to take whatever Anna was willing to give him.

Lionel and Greg looked at each other and nodded.