Page 56 of Bullied Mate

It was only six o’clock.

Klaus often went for a run. She hated that she knew that. Heading into the town, she knew he crossed town to take the quick, scenic route into the forest.

Poppy frowned as she realized not people many were up. Usually, the town was thriving. Many wolves were morning people.

Arriving in the town, she came to a stop when she realized there were people, but not many people.

Greg was there.

So was Lionel.

George and Anna.

Bethany and her sister.

There was no sign of Klaus.

The pack was also there. There was a reason they were not milling around. They were close to the town square, watching.

Poppy turned as she heard her mother approaching.

“Mom, what is going on?” Poppy asked.

“That is what I wanted to tell you about,” Anna said. “I’ve talked with Lionel and with Greg, and I think this will be a perfect opportunity for you. A chance to be happy.”

“Mom, I am happy.” She didn’t like this.

Where the fuck was Klaus?

Why wasn’t he here?

She glanced through the crowd. Shouldn’t he be standing with his family?

Poppy was aware of what was happening, and she didn’t like it.

Anna took her hands. “Trust me, sweetheart. I know this is … daunting, but I want you to give Greg a chance.”

“No, Mom, you don’t understand. I can’t give Greg a chance.”

“That’s the nerves talking. I get it. We all get it.” She was being pulled toward Greg.

Where the fuck was Klaus when she needed him? Did he want her to leave? Was that why he wasn’t here? After they had sex, did he not like it? Did he hate it? Was this his way of letting her go?

Pain sliced through her.



Everything was happening inside her so fast.

Years of keeping everything inside, the practice, built to this point, and she looked at Greg. He stood so happy and so proud with his father.

No. This couldn’t be happening.

Klaus had said he loved her. She loved him. Her feelings were confused when it came to him, but not about this. She wanted to be with Klaus more than she wanted to be mated to a guy she didn’t … like.

Well, it wasn’t that she didn’t like Greg. He was a nice guy. A great alpha. He would make some woman a great mate someday, but that person wasn’t her. It was never going to be her.