Page 47 of Bullied Mate

“Yes. Some have found a mutual attraction and have made agreements to stay together. To mate and to marry. We’re all very hopeful,” Greg said.

Poppy chuckled. “Of course. I’m so happy for you.”


Klaus couldn’t recall ever being so violent. He was strong, and if the situation called for it, he had no problem taking care of it, swiftly and deadly.

Greg was not the enemy.

Greg was a guest within the pack.

Greg was having fucking breakfast with his mate.

But he couldn’t allow that to cloud his judgment.

Poppy was amazing. He had no doubt everyone would like the opportunity to be with her. To mate with her. To fuck her.

Even now, sitting with anger simmering beneath the surface, all he wanted to do was grab Poppy’s hand, take her to the nearest bed, and claim her. Put all stops to this foolish behavior where she felt they couldn’t tell the world about their mating.

Klaus kept his ass firmly in his chair. His father knew. By the end of the day, his mother would know. He’d be lucky if the whole pack didn’t know soon. Even though his father had promised not to push. He understood Poppy’s … doubts.

It had made for an uncomfortable conversation.

Klaus hated being in the wrong. There was no way he could hide from what he’d done though.

His father was pissed at him, and he had every right to be pissed at him.

Ordering some pancakes and coffee, Klaus sat back and was more than grateful for the table separating Poppy and Greg. His legs were also between them. He felt Greg’s knees on one of his legs, and Poppy’s on the other.

They were all silent.

He knew what Greg had wanted to do, but he wasn’t going to sit back and allow this man to play happy pack with his mate. Not that Greg knew poppy was his mate. Annoyance washed over him.

“So, Klaus, how is it going for your friend?” Greg asked.

Klaus turned his gaze away from Poppy and looked at the man opposite him. “Friend?”

“You know, the one who had been bullying this girl only to discover that she was his mate. That friend.”



Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Poppy tensed up.

“He’s handling it.”

“Handling it? That doesn’t sound very … nice. How do you handle being a bully and then making it up to his mate?”

“It’s a work in progress, or so he tells me.” Klaus didn’t want to have this discussion with Poppy sitting opposite them.

“What is all of this about?” Poppy asked.

“May I, Klaus?” Greg asked.

No, he may fucking not, but if he didn’t allow this conversation to happen, then he was fucked either way.

“Klaus has this friend, and it turns out he was bullying a woman. I think they’re the same age, or he’s slightly older. Anyway, he’s been mean to her all this time, and then, on the night of her transition, they discover they are in fact mates. Now, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with her mate, and well, his friend is beside himself.”