Page 46 of Bullied Mate

They walked, side by side.

Poppy couldn’t relax, she had no choice but to keep on checking to see if Klaus was close by. She didn’t want him to get the wrong impression. Last night had been incredible. She never thought she would feel that way about him.

For the first time since her transition, she felt at peace, calm, rested. Of course, she knew her wolf wanted nothing more than to take it further with Klaus. To rub their bodies together, completely naked, and to feel him inside her.

After opening the café door, she stepped inside, feeling like she had a crazy smile on her lips.

She hoped not.

Everyone was so busy, but Poppy struggled to keep calm.

There were no private booths, and only a few tables, with a couple of chairs. She didn’t like how intimate it seemed, but she grabbed the first one she could find. After easing out a chair for Greg, she dropped down into her seat, and then waited.

“This is nice,” he said.

“Yeah, it is. I’m starving. Shall we order?” She grabbed one of the menus and lifted it in front of her face. Everything was good on the menu. She always struggled to pick what to eat.

“Poppy, are you okay?”

“Yeah, of course, I’m okay. Totally okay.” She lowered her menu only to catch sight of Klaus walking past the café, and she immediately lifted her menu, pretending to look.

Say something.

You’re going to seem like a crazy person.

“Er, have you decided what you’re going to order?” She tried to peek around her menu. Greg was looking at her strangely, and of course, someone had decided to stop Klaus right outside of the café windows. He was also facing her.

Why did this have to happen?

“Do you need me to read the menu to you?” Greg asked.

She dropped the menu and frowned. “Huh?”

“You’re holding it close. Do you need glasses?”

“Oh, no. I mean, I used to, but not anymore. No glasses for me. My eyes are A-okay.”

Klaus had spotted them, and now, she waited as he made his excuses, and of course, he stepped into the café.

Seeing him and his naked body aroused her, and she hoped no one could tell. This arousal was so … embarrassing.

“Hey, guys, what do we have here?” Klaus asked.

She heard the edge in his voice. “Greg offered to take me for breakfast. I wasn’t there this morning to eat, and I didn’t get any food.” Her stomach chose that moment to growl.

“You know, I’m starving as well.”

“You are?” Poppy asked. “Didn’t your father make you a big breakfast?”

“I can still eat.”

Klaus approached another table and asked them politely if he could take the chair. No one declined him. He had charm when he needed it, and at that moment, Poppy hated him just a little bit. “Don’t you have other things to do?” Poppy asked.

“Nah. My dad won’t have a problem with me spending some time with our pack, and of course our guest pack. I heard there have been a couple of unions,” Klaus said.

“There have. We’re very grateful that you allowed us to visit,” Greg said. “A couple of males have found their mates, and I do believe there have been a few … agreements.”

“Agreements?” Poppy asked.