Page 59 of Dr. Off Limits

“Just finishing up notes. I was about to head to lunch.”

We hit the ground floor and I scrambled to keep up with Jacob’s long, swift strides.

We headed to the nurses’ station, where Fraser was waiting, transferring his weight from foot to foot, which made him look like he was desperate to go to the loo. “Brittni Handle,” he said. “Six years old. You’ve treated her for a ventricular septal defect. She’s falling in and out of consciousness.” He pushed his iPad toward Jacob, who immediately shared it with me. We saw her vitals. The EEG didn’t look like she was having a heart attack, but in children, things could present so differently.

“Hi, my name is Jacob, I’m one of the doctors. I think we’ve met before,” he said to Brittni’s parents.

I kept my gaze fixed on Brittni. Her eyes were open, but her face seemed swollen. Her chest was rising and falling quickly and she looked pale. But the thing that stood out to me was her hair.

It was almost jet black, and clearly dyed.

A six-year-old with dyed hair.

Nothing about it felt right.

“Can you tell me what happened?” Jacob asked.

“Sorry, can I interrupt a second?” I asked. “Have you dyed Brittni’s hair?” I asked her parents.

Her mother’s eyes grew large and flitted from her daughter to her husband. “I mean, why would you ask me that?”

That was a yes if ever I heard one.

I approached Brittni and pulled on my examination gloves. “My name’s Sutton. I’m a doctor. I’m just going to check your head, Brittni,” I said. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

The child didn’t even blink. She was clearly very poorly. I stepped forward and parted Brittni’s hair. Yes, clearly recently dyed and the product hadn’t been washed off properly. The dye was still on her scalp and around her hairline.

My heart began to bang against my chest, telling me I needed to act.

I turned to Jacob. “She needs adrenaline. She’s having an allergic reaction to PPD.”

Jacob put on his gloves and I showed him the excess dye. “When did you dye her hair?” he asked Brittni’s mother.

“Just this morning. But I used proper hair dye. My friend’s a hairdresser and she got me the real stuff. Brittni was desperate to do her hair like mine.”

Jacob caught my eye. I knew I needed to get the adrenaline that was always kept in the drugs cabinet.

“And after that Brittni started to get drowsy? Is her face more swollen that usual?” Jacob asked as I flew to the cabinet.

I was back moments later with a syringe, needle, a vial of adrenaline, and a trolley to prepare it all on.

Her father stood. “Yes, her face is swollen now you come to mention it.”

“Please prepare the injection,” Jacob said.

I took a breath, unwrapped the syringe and needle, attached the two as Jacob talked Brittni’s parents through what was happening and what we needed to do about it.

“Where will it be administered?” Jacob asked me as I unwrapped the vial and jabbed the needle through the top of the vial.

“Naught point three milligrams?” I asked, wanting to check the dosage.

Jacob stayed silent. He wanted me to be sure. He wanted me to have confidence in my ability.

I nodded. Yes, it was naught point three. She was six years old. “The anterolateral aspect of the middle third of the thigh.”

He nodded once. “Go ahead.”

“Brittni,” I said. “I’m going to give you an injection.” I turned to her parents. “It would be good if you could chat to her, just to keep her mind on other things.”