“Mr. Sherman, do you have anything to add?”

I’d been lost in my own thoughts. Before I could reply, the phone in my pocket buzzed. “Excuse me,” I said as I read the screen. It was a text message from Albert.

“Patrol Officer Howard and Patrolman Stewart are on their way to the house.”

When I looked up, I had everyone’s attention. “State patrol officers are on their way up the lane.”

“State?” Lawson asked.

I stood. “Yes, they came here after my brother impersonated me in Chicago. The thing is…” I wanted to phrase this right. “Julia and I have become concerned. Phillip disappeared after that incident.”

“Is it unusual for your brother to disappear?”

His question lingered in my thoughts. “I don’t know. My brother and I have been estranged for years, over half of our lives.”

“And now you’re concerned?”

“His wife tried to kill us. He’s missing. He has a daughter, and Phillip and I share a sister. This all feels wrong.”

“I’d like to stay and listen to your discussion with the patrol officers,” Lawson said.

My gaze went back to Oscar.

He stood. “If it’s all right with the state patrol officers. I know my clients would like to wrap this up for the day.”

After I stood, Vicki moved, now sitting at Julia’s side. Julia nodded, her dazed blue eyes peering up at me.

“Yes,” I agreed.

I wanted to go to Julia, pull her against me and wrap her in my arms. My chest inflated as I took a deep breath, proclaiming to myself that no matter what, Julia would be safe. This would end. Law enforcement was my first choice, but I wasn’t beyond seeking other forms of assistance.

As those thoughts circled my mind, Lawson followed me to the front entrance of our home. I scanned my palm, opening the door to the patrol officers.

“Is your security system new?” Lawson asked.


“And it was in place two weeks ago?”

“It was.”

“How would Mrs. Thomas get inside your home?”

My jaw clenched as I inhaled the fresh morning air. I turned toward Lawson. “That last time, when I told Madison if she came back to do so with divorce papers, I also provided her an escape, a way for her and her child to get into my home. I had forgotten that.”

“You forgot?”

“It was nearly eleven years ago.” I turned as the state patrol officers came up the front steps. “Officers.”

“Mr. Sherman. We got here as soon as we could. Thank you for having your man call us.”

I took a step back, allowing everyone entry and the front door to close. “Detective Lawson from the Ashland Police Department, this is Officer Stewart and Officer Howard of the Wisconsin State Patrol.”

Leading all three back into the living room, Lawson introduced his uniformed officer to the state patrol officers before requesting to stay.

Officer Howard looked at Julia. “How are you?”

Julia feigned a smile. “Good. I want this all to end.”