Framing my face, Van tugged my lips to his. “Remember what I said about what goes down also comes up?”

I shook my head. “I love you.”

“I love you.”

“We need to get sleep. Tomorrow we have a full schedule.”

“I have a great method for sound sleep.” He rolled over me. “Getting you back into orgasmic bliss.”

My breathing quickened as my nightgown slipped over my head.


Vicki eyed me up and down as we sat in the kitchen, warm mugs of coffee in front of us and muffins I’d made from a box, in the oven. She scanned my soft black slacks and camel mohair sweater. “You’re beautiful, Jules. Is that what you’re wearing? It is your wedding.”

“I’d marry Van naked if I could.”

My friend’s smile grew. “Yeah, that would make the hometown gossip section.”

At the sound of the buzzer, I stood. “I want to marry him more than I ever imagined wanting to marry someone.”

“Mostly because you only imagined marrying Skylar.”

I nodded. “True. The point is this whole ordeal has taught me that it’s not about the clothes, the location, the guests—I’m so glad you’re here.” I slipped on oven mitts after opening the oven. A gust of hot air blew my hair as I rescued the muffins from the heat. Setting them on the counter, I turned to Vicki. “I just don’t care anymore about anything other than making this legal.”

“What are you going to do about your stocks now that the bank has frozen them?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know about a lot of things.” I shrugged, inhaling the sweet scent of blueberries. “I know that once we’re married, I can at least get information.” I shook my head. “I learned last night why the Butlers are selling.”

Vicki’s eyebrows peaked.

“Lena has a plan.”


Letting the muffins cool and going back to my chair, I placed my hands around the warm mug. Through the windows the late January sunlight was shining upon the thick layer of white, making our snow globe glisten. My thoughts went back to what Van told me. “I hope she’s the genius you said she is.”

“Hey, my information was fromO Magazine, but shit…Lena Montgomery was inO Magazine.”

“Good morning.”

Vicki and I turned to the doorway as Van’s sexy grin shone our way. “Good morning,” I said. “You were missing when I woke.”

“I was in the office. I have a lot of catching up to do. Lena left me some files to go through, and time got away from me.”

Taking a second, I scanned Van from his head to his toes. I’d yet to see him in a suit since the hospital. He’d been wearing anything from soft pajama pants to blue jeans to my favorite—nothing. I would classify his current attire as casual, less than business and more than the mountain-man look.

In those moments of evaluation, I didn’t see a patient on the road to recovery. I saw a strong and passionate man, one who did what he did unapologetically. One who had overcome obstacles in his life—personal and professional. Van wasn’t perfect; no one was. But learning about Van and truly getting to know that man behind the mask hadn’t been about seeking the perfect man. It was about finding—or being found by—the man who was perfect for me.

Van came closer, dropping a kiss on my forehead. “I hated to leave you this morning.”

Warmth filled my cheeks as Vicki made noises.

“You two. Seriously.”

We both smiled as Van walked to the cabinet and retrieved three plates. Soon we all were seated at the breakfast bar with our muffins and coffee.

“You two are serious about this wedding being casual?” Vicki questioned.