“You’re pregnant too.”

“No,” I said with a laugh as I lifted my glass of wine. “Prior to the whole Phillip fiasco, I did a dive into Wade Pharmaceutical. I think my reluctance to talk to my parents or to get back into things at Wade is because I’m scared.”

“Don’t be scared.” She turned so our gazes met. “I mean this. You can do whatever you set your mind to. And hell” —she gestured— “down the hall you have two of the top business minds around. You can do this…if there still is a Wade.”

If there still is a Wade.

I had to say what I’d been thinking. “I’m not scared about my success at Wade. I’m afraid I’ll learn things about my parents that I don’t want to know.” I took a drink. “Why did you sayif there still is a Wade?”

“When Beth called to tell me about their wedding, she said that the Butlers are selling their stock. Marlin is panicking about something with the SEC, and there was a big blowup between them and your parents.”

“Shit. I need to call.”

“Call who?”

Vicki and I turned toward the deep voice as I caught Van’s sexy grin.

“Hello, Vicki.” Van tilted his head toward Lena. “This is a friend of mine, Lena Montgomery. Lena, this is Julia’s good friend Victoria Woodson.”

“Hello,” Vicki said. “Please call me Vicki.”

Lena came forward, offering Vicki her hand. Lena’s gold bracelets shimmered under the lights as the two shook hands. “Nice to meet you, Vicki. Just call me Lena. Has Julia told you all my dark secrets?”

“Yes. No.” Vicki smiled. “I was telling her that I’d read an article about you a few years ago. I recalled your impressive accomplishments.”

Lena walked to the wine glasses and helped herself to one. Turning back to the island she poured herself a glass. “Here’s my secret, Vicki.”

Lena had Vicki’s attention. I turned to Van who was leaning against the countertop.

“I’m listening,” Vicki said.

“Tenacity. I don’t give up.”

Van laughed. “I thought you were going to tell them that it all started with stolen money.”

“Don’t listen to him. I simply reappropriated funds that were taken from me.”

My eyes widened. “Shit, Logan?”

Lena placed her slender finger in front of her lips. “You heard nothing. And if Van tells anything else, I will have to spend all night filling Julia in on his sordid past.”

Van’s hand came to my shoulder. “I think she knows the highlights.”

“Oh, but it’s the lowlights that are the most interesting.”

My gaze met Van’s as I smiled. “I’m pretty sure nothing will scare me away.”

“That’s good,” he said. “Finders keepers.”

“Here’s one tidbit about your fiancé, Julia,” Lena said. “In over twenty years, I’ve never seen him like this. Ever. You two give me reason to believe in fairy tales.”

“You said you’d fill me in on Wade.”

Lena lifted her hand. “Van can do that. I need to get back to the hotel, return some emails, sign a contract, and make a few calls before calling it a night.”

“I meant what I said, you’re welcome here.”

“Thank you, Julia. I’ll be back tomorrow. Noon?”