Page 120 of Black Knight (Sin 4)

“Julia,” Ana said, standing. “We confided in you because you’re our daughter. You can’t tell…”

I started to speak, but before I could, Julia spoke, her posture exuding confidence. “What I do with the information you shared is not our primary concern. After the new executive board is voted upon and convened, Wade will no longer be your concern. Wade was always supposed to be a family company. Guess what? That’s what it will be again. Van’s and my family.” She smiled. “Come to the meeting.”

Turning, Julia reached for her purse and walked to the door. Only a step behind, I caught up and opened the door for my fucking outstanding wife—the new CEO of Wade Pharmaceutical.

As we stepped into Janie’s area, Julia retained her composure and spoke to Gregg’s assistant. “Janie, is there an empty office or conference room where Van and I can speak in private before the meeting?”

She tilted her head. “Mr. Butler’s office is empty.”

Julia grinned. “Perfect.”

Janie unlocked the door with Marlin’s nameplate at the side. The city of Chicago filled the large windows. “Do you two want or need anything? Coffee? Water?”

“No, thank you,” Julia said. “We’ll be in the large conference room at eleven.”

Janie nodded, closing the door, and leaving us alone.

I reached for Julia’s shoulders, pulling her face-to-face with me. “Are you all right?”

“No.” And yet the only emotion I sensed was determination. If earlier Gregg had been prey, his daughter was a competent opponent—the predator. Julia took a step away from my grasp and began to pace near the floor-to-ceiling windows.

I looked around the regally furnished space. Marlin may have taken some personal items; however, the office wasn’t much different than I recalled from a month ago.

“I can’t run a pharmaceutical company, Van.”

“Yes, you can.”

She shook her head. “No. I mean I can make decisions, but I need help. There’s so much I don’t know. Yesterday you were talking about lobbyists, insurance, and governmental reimbursement. I believe in our plan, but I need someone who knows what the hell is going on.”

“I guess I expected you to be upset by what we just learned.”

“Oh.” Her volume rose. “I’m upset. I’m pissed as hell. Right now, I’m not sure what I want to happen to my parents. What I do know is that I was the intended inheritor. No matter what happens, whichever will the judge accepts, Wade is mine. Ours. And we aren’t letting it go down without a fight.” She nodded toward my jacket. “Call Lena and tell her to meet us here.”

“In Marlin’s office.” I scoffed. “She’ll love that.”

As I sent Lena a text, Julia resumed her pacing. “Skylar doesn’t know enough. He could help, but I need someone who knows their shit.” Julia looked at me. “Would Lennox know anyone who could help?”

Something Ana said sparked a memory.

A thought occurred to me.

“I know you want Wade to exist on its own. What if an agreement was made with another pharmaceutical company, one that had a different line of drugs? The two companies could work in tandem while retaining their individuality?”

Julia shook her head. “Do you know of a company like that?”

I grinned. “Maybe.” It won’t be the merger that the McGraths had planned. But it could work.

The phone I’d just placed back in my breast pocket vibrated. Tilting my head, I pulled it out and swiped the screen. “Shit.”


“Officer Stewart.” My gaze met Julia’s. “I forgot to let Lawson and the state patrol know we were leaving Ashland.”

“We’re not really gone. We’ll be back today.”

Taking a breath, I answered the call. “Officer Stewart, what can I do for you?”

“Mr. Sherman…”