Page 114 of Black Knight (Sin 4)


Did that mean Demetri was international?

My knees bounced as I wrapped my arms around my midsection. “This is good, right?”

Van pushed his chair away from the desk and grinned his sexy smile. “Yes, beautiful, it is good. Lennox didn’t make any promises but having someone who can make headway on the inside, someone like him, is invaluable.”

“He thinks that Biogen will consider purchasing Wade’s research?”

“He’s going to make some calls. I told him what we talked about with Lena.”

“The SEC?”

Van nodded. “If we can make this deal, Wade will officially state that no violations happened.”

“I don’t understand. Isn’t the SEC the only one who can make that decision?”

“Technically, but if the two entities play nice, it will help Biogen.”

“And Logan, Lena said.”

Van grinned. “If Lena is willing to make this concession for Wade, I would surmise that she has other plans involving Logan Butler. It won’t be today or tomorrow, but Logan will go down.”

I sighed, letting it all sink in. “Lennox said the possibility of an arrangement is under consideration.”

Letting my arms drop I resumed my pacing as my mind swirled with the possibilities. “If Biogen pays enough, it could relieve Wade’s debt.” My volume rose. “Oh, Van, maybe it could cover it all, put Wade back into the black. Pay you back.”

Reaching out, his fingers surrounded my wrist as he tugged me to his lap.

Landing on his thighs, I collapsed against his wide chest. My fingers went to the front of his soft thermal shirt. “When you go back to the office, will I get to see you in suits again?”

His lips curled. “Do you like the suits?”

Lifting my shoulder, I shrugged. “I like you in anything and nothing. It’s almost like you’re different people all rolled into one.”

“I like you in anything too,” he said, his finger tracing the neckline of my top. “But nothing is my favorite.”

Warmth filled my cheeks. “Are we still going to Chicago?”

Van nodded. “First thing tomorrow morning. As you know, Lena has called the meeting of stockholders. We are stockholders.”

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly. “I was just thinking about my conversation with my parents. You and Lena are doing all this networking, and I don’t know what my parents have done or what they want to talk to us in person about—it feels bad. After all these years, why did they get into a fight with the Butlers? Why is the will being contested? Does all of this” —I gestured with my hand— “matter, or is it too late?”

“At this time, I don’t have the answer to any of those questions. I also know that Lena and I wouldn’t be networking if you hadn’t come up with this idea. It is a good idea, Julia. Don’t sell yourself short, no matter the outcome. You bring a new perspective that is…fresh.”

Sighing, I laid my head on his hard shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. “If Wade and Biogen can’t make a deal, I think we need to investigate selling while we have our research as a factor in determining our value.”

“You’d sell?”

I looked down at my hands, seeing my wedding and engagement rings. “I don’t want to sell. It’s what my dad has been afraid of forever. But not selling and going deeper into debt with no sign of recovery…” I looked up at Van. “We could lose everything with nothing to show for it.”

“It’s a risk,” he agreed. “Wade deserves the guidance of a new executive board. Your parents’ knowledge and understanding are valuable.”

“You think they should stay on the board?”

“Currently, they own thirty-nine percent.”

My gaze narrowed. “But after the family stocks transfer to me, they won’t be stockholders.”