Page 69 of Green Envy (Sin 2)

“I tried not to think about having money as a child. I didn’t really understand what it meant. When you’re young, you assume everyone lives the way you live.”

“They don’t.” I reinforced the lock in my mind, the one keeping any lingering memories of my childhood at bay.

Julia’s blue gaze flittered around the room. “The only time the differences became obvious was when I’d bring a new friend home. I hated it really. I hated when people would treat me differently after coming here.”

“What about your friend Vicki?” I asked.

“No, that’s part of what I love about her. We have always been similar. Her mother is a surgeon. Other than she wasn’t home much, she was always kind to me. Her dad’s in banking.” Julia’s smile grew. “They got along with my parents but didn’t fawn over them like some other people would. And my mother doesn’t fawn over anyone. The mutual respect helped Vicki’s and my friendship.”

I knew the feeling of not wanting to bring people to your house. It seemed that as different as our childhoods had been, we shared some aspects. My reasons were different, but still present. “There is one room I’d like to see.”

Julia finished her second glass of champagne. “Where?”

“Your bedroom.”

Pink climbed from the neckline of the red dress upward. “Van, we can’t…”

“Oh, we could.” I lowered my voice. “Fucking doesn’t get much fresher than that.”

She shook her head, the small curls near her face swaying.

“I’m teasing you, beautiful.”

Her blue eyes opened wide. “Mr. Sherman teases and cuddles. Wait until I notify the press.”

“Definitely redact-able information.” Before she could reply, I added, “I simply would like to see it. Show me a peek at the girl with pigtails.”

“I’m scared.”

I ran my thumb over her cheek. “You’re too strong to be scared.”

“I don’t want you to think less of me.”

“Because of your childhood room?”

“Because of all of this. I don’t want you to see me as a spoiled child.”

I leaned closer, tilting my forehead to hers. “I don’t see you as a child. Seeing your childhood home and room isn’t changing my opinion of the amazing woman I found in the snow. I’ve watched you go in and out of an outhouse and survive in a blizzard without electricity. Our childhood doesn’t define us. Mine sure as hell didn’t.”

Before she could respond, her name was called from across the room, “Julia.”

Both of our necks straightened at the voice that was unfortunately becoming too familiar. We turned as Skylar entered the dining room, on his arm a brunette wearing a long gold dress. I couldn’t say if she were pretty or not. I could instantly sense that she wanted to be anyplace other than in this dining room.

“Mr. Butler,” I said, filling the deafening silence. “It is nice of you to seek us out.”