Page 32 of Green Envy (Sin 2)

“Did you know that Donovan Sherman’s portfolio includes Big Pharma stockholdings?”

My eyes widened as I turned toward Van.

Clearing his throat, Van stood, adjusting his suit coat and smiling his ten-thousand-watt grin. “My portfolio is diverse, as is yours, Mr. Butler. Shall we discuss the extent of our investments? Perhaps this should be more inclusive, say, also the holdings owned by your wife, son, and brother?” Van pulled his phone from his pocket. “Only moments ago, I received a comprehensive list of those ventures.” Van’s head tilted. “Would you like me to share?”

Marlin stood, his hands on the table. “My investments aren’t in question. I’m a trusted member of this board and have been—”

I lifted my hand, silencing Marlin. In all honesty, his muting himself was probably more out of surprise at my action than respect for me. “I still have the floor,” I said. “Vote.”

Dad lifted his hand. “In favor.”

Next were Marlin and Gwen. They both voted against.

Mrs. Rose shook her head. “I’m sorry that I’m ineligible to vote.”

Her words caught me off guard. Dad said she’d sold her shares and was resigning. I hadn’t carried the thought to the next obvious conclusion. She couldn’t vote.

“Julia, this is my last meeting,” Mrs. Rose said. “I want you to know that I believe Herman and Juliette are smiling right now. What has always made Wade special was the family’s passion. Listening to you today, I believe I’m leaving this seat and this board in good hands. You shouldn’t only be on this board, young lady, but in power—the power your shares allot you.”

“Thank you,” I mouthed.

We all turned to my mother, who had been unusually quiet throughout my presentation. “Julia, I’m also pleased. I never thought you’d take this company seriously. I was wrong. Unfortunately, my vote in favor of providing you with the information you requested is useless. A vote must pass with a majority.” She shook her head as my stomach dropped.

Fifty percent isn’t a majority. Why hadn’t I thought of that either?

“My vote is irrelevant,” Mom said.

Van stepped forward and put his fingers on a notebook sitting on the table next to Mrs. Rose. “May I?” he asked before taking it.

Mrs. Rose practically blushed as Van graced her with a panty-melting smile. “Well, yes.” She pushed it toward him.

Van flipped to the back of the notebook and tore a page from the binder. Next, he tore the page into four pieces and began to pass them out.

“Mr. Sherman, this is fruitless,” Gwen said.

Van didn’t stop until everyone had a quarter of the page. “Do you all have pens?”

“Yes.” Came in murmurs.

Van turned to Marlin. “Regardless of how this turns out, you and I will be meeting alone.”

Marlin’s neck straightened.

Lifting his hands in a welcoming gesture, Van said, “Please vote. Yes indicates that you support supplying Ms. McGrath with the information she’s requested. No indicates that you would deny Ms. McGrath information that is rightfully hers.”

I shook my head as Van’s gaze met mine. This wouldn’t matter. I didn’t understand why he was prolonging this ordeal. I wouldn’t receive a majority. I had to find another way.

One by one, each person turned their paper over.

Slaps against the table reverberated through the room.

Van gathered the papers, shuffled them and handed them to Mrs. Rose. “If you’ll be so kind,” he said.

A bit flustered, Mrs. Rose reached for the papers and turned them over one by one.

“No.” Her eyes met mine. “Yes.” A slight grin came to her lips. “Yes.”

“The next one is no,” I whispered.