Page 23 of Green Envy (Sin 2)

Van nodded.

“And you still made the balloon payment yesterday?”

He nodded again.

“You said versus the estate of Herman Wade. That’s all-encompassing.” My skin prickled. “It’s everything my parents have.” Even I heard the desperation in my own voice. “Who would do this?”

Van leaned back against the chair as we floated above the clouds. “The fact that the filing came after our announced engagement means the list is rather exhaustive. As we’ve said, Marlin Butler is the first choice for obvious reasons, but Julia, he’s not the only one. My team and I will get to the bottom of this.”

“Who wants to hurt my parents?”

“They may not be the target.”

“Me?” I questioned.

“Indirectly, me. I’ve made enemies.”

“Doesn’t the filer need to have a financial interest?”

Van nodded. “Have you read your grandfather’s will?”

As I shook my head, the reality hit me. I hadn’t.

“He named a long list of charitable contributions. It isn’t unheard of for charities to question the value of an estate. Those benefactors cast the list of possible suspects wide open.”

When I didn’t reply, Van added, “Our engagement and the precariousness of Wade revealed vulnerability in my shield. I told you that I have a team who constantly searches for vulnerable companies. I’m not the only person who does that. Think of this as if it were nature. A healthy rabbit can still be a wolf’s meal. An injured rabbit will be devoured.”

“Wade was injured by the press and even more so when the lending institution demanded the balloon payment.” I didn’t ask. I knew it to be true.

“If that rabbit could retreat to its burrow and recover, it may stay safe.” He blinked as his nostrils flared. “I exposed Wade. Unintentionally, I exposed its susceptible status.”

“But it’s not weak any longer. The perceived value has increased, and you paid the balloon payment early.”

“The court filing was before most of that happened.”

“Tell me what I’m walking into when we meet with the executive board.”

Van took a deep breath. “An uneasy environment. There are a lot of unknowns—variables. You need to walk into this meeting confident in the knowledge you have. One, the balloon payment was made. Two, your impending nuptials will result in the fulfillment of your grandfather’s stipulations.”

“What about the petition against the will?”

“It may be brought up, but if it is, respond without urgency. While you’re aware of it, the filing is irrelevant at this time. That process will take time. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years about the courts, it’s that they move at a snail’s pace. The filing of the petition is only the first step. According to your father, your parents haven’t been notified. Also, the fulfillment of the stipulations will solidify the legal document, making it more difficult to challenge.”

“My—our marriage?”

Van nodded.

I let out a long breath. “Who else knows about the petition?”

“It depends on who your father’s told.”

“I want to talk to him first—privately.”

“There isn’t much time. The meeting with the board is set for ten a.m.” He looked at my satchel. “Didn’t you mention that you and your father have a secret way of communicating?”

I felt my grin surface as I nodded.

“Email him. Arrange a private meeting. Even if it’s only for fifteen minutes. A unified front will show the willingness of the McGraths to stay the course and make it beyond this vulnerable time. Think about the Alzheimer’s research.”