Page 37 of Green Envy (Sin 2)


Present day

Julia’s and my conversation silenced as the sound of footsteps echoed from the hallway. We waited as someone entered, unobservant of his surroundings as he headed with purpose toward the closed door to the ongoing board meeting.

I reached for Julia’s hand as she made a soft gasp.

It wasn’t loud enough for Skylar to turn our direction, his intent set upon opening the door. Janie from Gregg’s office stood from where she sat near the door. “I’m sorry, Mr. Butler, the meeting is already in progress.”

“Janie” —he lifted a manila folder— “I have some information my father needs to see.”

“I’m sorry. It will need to wait.”

“This is pertinent information about Sinclair Pharmaceuticals.” His shoulders relaxed. “Janie, would you take it in there? I promise the board needs this information.”

She nodded. “Very well.” Taking the folder from Skylar, she knocked softly on the door, opening it, and speaking softly into the room.

It was then that Skylar turned, his eyes widening as his gaze was met by two people he evidently didn’t anticipate. It would be accurate to say that I found humor in his evolution of demeanors.




Standing, I lifted my chin. “Mr. Butler. It seems you’re on the outside looking in.”

Ignoring me, his gaze was fixed on Julia. “I didn’t believe that you’d really come, not back to Chicago, not days before our wedding.”

Feeling her presence beside me, I didn’t need to turn to know that Julia had also stood.

Her voice was as strong and sure as it had been in the meeting. “I suppose I could say the same thing.”

“I live here, remember. I also work in these offices.”

“For now,” I said.

Skylar’s gaze moved as if he’d just noticed me, the wheels turning as he put the pieces into place. “You.” He was definitely looking at me. “You are the reason Sinclair rescinded the merger offer.”

“If that was the important information you needed to give Marlin,” Julia said, “he already knows. Van informed them all, telling them to check their emails.”

Skylar shook his head. “You want to ruin Wade, don’t you?”

“No,” Julia replied. “I want to save Wade and keep it from being swallowed up by Sinclair or any other company.”

Skylar squared his shoulders. “I don’t care if you two marry. I really don’t give a fuck, but I won’t stand by and let you on the board of directors, either of you.”

Julia’s words were laced with amusement. “Were you magically granted some sort of power, Skylar? You have no control or say-so in who’s on the board. You aren’t a shareholder, your father is. It’s sad to think I used to at least like you.”

The door opened and Janie returned. “Mr. Butler, your father said thank you for the information.”

Skylar’s gaze narrowed. “He already knew it. I know.” He turned to us. “Goodbye, I hope not to see you again, and for the record, I don’t wish you well.”

It was difficult not to laugh.

As soon as he disappeared behind the wall and down the hallway from which he’d come, I reached for Julia’s hand. “As CEO, I think your first job should be cleaning house.”

“Mr. Sherman,” Janie said. “Mr. Butler, Marlin Butler” —she clarified— asked me to show you to his office. He’ll be along in a moment.”