My shoulders sagged as I looked up at him. “I did.”

The too-handsome man before me reached for my hands, planting soft kisses to the faint pink lines around my wrists. The bandages were gone—the abduction and rescue a month ago—but Dr. Dustin said it would take time for the scars to fully fade.

“Emma, we don’t need some Hallmark rendition of what marriage is about. And this isn’t simply a business deal to unite our family names. Fuck, since you came into my life, I’ve become obsessed, not only with your safety. It’s you. You’re on my mind when I fall asleep and when I open my eyes. I think about you during the day, anxious to find you ready for dinner or reading in the sunlight. If you’re not beside me in my bed, I feel the need to come in here and just watch you.”

“Watch me?”

“Did you know you snore?”

“I do not.”

“It’s soft and your lips part enough that it takes all my willpower not to lean in and kiss them. And when I wake and you are there, I can’t stop myself from slipping inside you and nudging you awake as you come apart.”

My lips curled upward as warmth filled my cheeks. “I like that.”

“There aren’t any surprises here. You made a deal with the devil, and now it’s time to sign on the dotted line. In an hour or less, you’ll be Mrs. Everett Ramses.”

I lifted one eyebrow as I shook my head. “No, I won’t. Assuming I do this, I will be Mrs. Emma Ramses. Hell, why do I need to change my name? Maybe I could change O’Brien legally to North.”

Snaking one arm around my waist, Rett pulled my hips to his. “I’m hard just thinking about this morning’s wake-up call.” His hands went to my waist as he lifted me to the window’s ledge. Gathering the long gauze skirt and bringing it higher, he grinned. “And tomorrow’s and the day after that.”

I pushed against his strong chest, yet he didn’t budge.

“I want you right now, Mrs. Emma Ramses. And in the morning, that will be your name because you’re fucking taking mine. That isn’t up for discussion.”

“You’re bossy.”

“Only when I want my way.”

A grin came to my lips. “I’ve noticed that.” I held the skirt, stopping his progress before I was fully exposed. “That, what you said, it was a better proposal. Will you add the bended knee part?”

Once again, Rett was on one knee, his brown eyes seeing only me. “Give me the ring.”

I handed it his way. “Will you, Emma North, give me the immense honor of calling you my wife, of listening each night as you snore beside me, and of waking each morning as you come apart squeezing my cock in your perfect pussy?”

Scoffing, I shook my head. “Yes.”

Standing, Rett placed the ring, sliding it down the fourth finger of my left hand before offering his palm, and adding, “And agree to submit to me whenever and wherever I say?”

Warmth intensified, creeping up my neck, undoubtedly filling my cheeks with pink.


Placing my hand in Rett’s as the diamond sparkled in the lingering sunshine, I hopped off the window sill, my bare feet finding the floor. “I’m working on the second part.”

A kiss came to my hair. “I know you are.” Letting my hand drop, Rett stepped toward the door, the one to the hallway leading to the rest of the house, and turned back. “One day, Emma, if you want a giant wedding or one on top of a fucking volcano, it’s yours. Today is about legality.”

I turned toward the window, noticing the dimming light of dusk as the fountain’s colors became more prominent. A smile came to my face as I turned back to my fiancé. It wasn’t a term I could use for long. “Rett, I know it won’t really be a ceremony, but could we say the vows or whatever the judge does in the courtyard? It doesn’t have to be a sterile signing of papers, does it?”

His gaze went from me to the window and back. “I don’t see why not.”

Before he was gone, I remembered my earlier question. “Wait, why am I wanted for questioning if it isn’t about you?”

“Can you trust me a little longer?” He paused. “No...can you trust me forever?”


Could I?