
“Why?” My one-word question hung in the air.

It was at that moment when everything came together—everything: the anxiety of my escape, the shock of my kidnapping, and the terror of waking as I had with those men. Pulling my knees to my chest, I ignored the pain, wrapped my arms around my legs, and gave into the surge of emotion. My body convulsed as sobs brewed within me.

Hell, this breakdown was about more than what had happened today.

It was a week of being strong, of taking my life an hour at a time, and a day at a time. It was all too much and now pain had been added to the mixture. My chest heaved as I shed tears into the blankets.

I didn’t know how long my outburst lasted, but when I looked up, Rett was no longer across the room. He’d taken a seat on the edge of the big bed. With my nose and more tears running, I looked up. “Why does Kyle want me dead?”

With his thumb, Rett wiped one cheek and then the other before handing me a tissue.

“Thank you.”

He watched me for a moment before speaking. No longer was there anger in his tone. “In order for Kyle’s claim to New Orleans royalty to have a chance to work, he must convince others that he is the rightful heir of Isaiah Boudreau. Some might ask how anyone could make such a claim, but New Orleans is a world where legends and lore create history. Some are accurate. Other tales are just that, stories that have been told so many times that they become real.

“Kyle’s claim is based on a truth. Nearly twenty-seven years ago, Jezebel North conceived Isaiah Boudreau’s bastard child. The greater parishes of New Orleans saw her, listened to the rumors, and knew her child was Boudreau’s.

“Kyle claims to be that child.” Rett’s head shook. “He isn’t. The dates of his birth and yours are eight months apart. He is too old. In reality, you are too young. Nevertheless, we know that you are that child, Emma. You are the illegitimate child of Jezebel and Isaiah. You see, Isaiah’s wife never conceived. That made you even more special. If you exist, you threaten the authenticity of his story.”

A cold chill ran over me. “How do you know it’s me?”

“It doesn’t matter. We just know.”

“Maybe I’m not the right person and this can all end.”

Rett’s shoulders squared.

I reached over and laid my hand on his arm. “Maybe not you and me, but if I’m no longer a threat, I’m no longer in danger. We could start over like normal people.”

Rett turned quickly my direction. “Normal is average, commonplace.” His tone grew gruffer as if his patience with me was waning. “Youare not average nor am I. We were born to be royalty. Not the figureheads who ride in carriages and wave at the crowds. Emma, you were conceived to be a queen. Your mother understood the danger you were in and gave you up to the O’Briens.”

“How are you so sure? Children are adopted every day. Maybe I was born to someone else. The attorney gave me some information, but none of it was substantiated.”

Rett’s phone vibrated and he looked down and then up. “The doctor is here.”

“Rett, tell me.”

Inhaling, he sat taller. “It was you, Emma. You are the child of Jezebel and Isaiah, and you were the one who made it known to the world. You are here today because you publicized your connection a few months after Kyle made his claim.”

“I did no such thing.” I was adamant. “How could I make something known that even I didn’t know?”

“You did one of those ancestry kits.”

My eyes widened as my heart beat faster. “Oh God, I did.”

“Your lineage wouldn’t have been public if you hadn’t done that.”

“No.” I lay back against the pillows. “I’d forgotten about that kit. It was a gift. I remember thinking that since I hadn’t known I was adopted until after the O’Briens were gone and unable to answer my questions, I figured maybe I’d learn something.”

“A gift?”


“Who gave you the gift?” Rett asked.

I thought back. “It was odd. It arrived after Christmas. I thought the kit was from Ross’s girlfriend at the time—ex-girlfriend. I think her name was Jenn. The three of us had joked about the kits once and I assumed it was her.” I thought back. “No, her name wasn’t Jenn. It was Emily. I remember teasing Ross that her name was close to mine.”