Closing Emma’s door, I scanned both directions and found only an empty hallway. A quick text to Ian and seconds later, I had his reply.


Of course he did. It wasn’t that I hadn’t considered the possibility. Emma was fucking spectacular tonight. Before I arrived at her suite, I wasn’t certain what I’d find. Would she be compliant and be ready to dine, or would she be defiant?

The incredibly intriguing discovery was that Emma was a little of both. I liked that. I enjoyed watching her inner struggle, the battle that raged behind her stunning blue eyes, igniting a fire that could keep me entertained for hours on end.

And fuck, her responsiveness was addicting. It wasn’t even sexual, and yet she had my blood rerouting. It began with the way she held onto me as we walked, turning when I turned, and working to be independent while willingly relying on my sight. That display was just a taste of what I imagined she’d be like in a more intimate situation.

And hell yes, many times, I’d imagined those possible situations. I already knew how incredibly sensual she was, the way her body tensed seconds before she orgasmed. The sounds she made as ecstasy overtook her and the flavor of her sweet essence.

Like the fine wine Emma was, the sample I’d tasted would never be enough. I thought a bottle would be sufficient, but now I believe I wanted the entire vineyard. I desired to take Emma completely and in every way. Like the calm of a lake’s waters following a storm, I envisioned the satiation in her blue eyes after she was completely spent, her energy expelled, and she lay in my arms as our heartbeats found their natural rhythm.

It would happen.

I had no doubt.

Emma North was now mine.

I fought the urge to smile as I recalled her amusement as Miss Guidry rambled on. My heart beat faster as I envisioned her expression filled with wonder as she stared up at the stars. When she said she didn’t want the evening to end, I understood; deep in my being, I shared her desire. It was a new phenomenon for me, one I wanted to explore.

Living my entire life in New Orleans made a man like me immune to the diversity of beliefs. Credit for my accomplishments didn’t lie with unknown spirits or voodoo. I took what was presented. I held onto what I desired. If the world was a Cajun oyster, the fucking pearl was mine.

Never before had I put stock in fate. Nevertheless, as thoughts and images of the woman behind the door swirled with the intensity of a category-five hurricane in my mind, I mused that perhaps the demand fate had given to us was something beyond our collective understanding.

Heaven knew that I’d never been this entertained or interested or thoroughly fucking obsessed with a woman before.

What Emma and I shared, the known and unknown, wouldn’t end.

Emma North was mine from today until forever.

I already held the power she admitted she feared to relinquish. The evidence was behind the door of her suite. Even if she wanted to leave, she couldn’t. What she entertained now—what I allowed her to entertain—was the illusion of control. That was all it was, an appearance. Whether Emma joined me dressed in blue, red, or as naked as the day she was born was her doing. How she styled her hair and perfected her makeup was not my concern. Yes, she’d looked amazing, absolutely stunning, but again, these were inconsequential decisions.

The true power resided in her safety and now her legal concerns.

No, she wasn’t aware that Ross Underwood was found dead or that the New Orleans Police Department, in all its infinite wisdom, had made her a suspect in Underwood’s possible homicide. Perhaps it was selfish of me, but I didn’t want her upset. My schedule was busy, our time together limited. I didn’t want our time to be taken up with the news she could do nothing to change.

Bringing the screen of my phone to life, I sent a text to another of my top men, Leon Trahan. Much like Ian, Leon had been with me since I took over New Orleans, since my father’s and Isaiah’s demise.


My phone immediately pinged.


I let out a long breath.

Noah and Leon were investigating the Underwood overdose. I was interested in hearing the updates. Regardless of what really happened, I knew the way I wanted the investigation to go. It was up to my men on the street, as well as those in the police department and even prosecutor’s office, if necessary, to bring my plan to fruition.

At the sound of footsteps on the staircase, I looked up from the phone. Ian’s head appeared first, as he made it to the landing.

“Mr. Ramses—”

I lifted my hand. “I understand your assumption. Had it been correct, I would have appreciated the privacy. Don’t leave her door. And for the near future, don’t make any assumptions. I have no intention of spending the night up here.”

“I...after this morning...”

“Keep Emma safe and remind her that she’s being kept safe—a beautiful bird in a gilded cage is still in a cage. Remind her why.” I recalled something Ian had said earlier. “Tell me again about the dresses.”