“And you said Jezebel was also a prostitute?”

Rett nodded. “Not the same.”

“I don’t understand.”

He pulled back one of the chairs. “Please, Emma, I didn’t plan on tonight being a history lesson.”

I took the seat, sitting tall with my ankles crossed. Once Rett was seated across from me, I said, “You said this morning that I am the daughter of a king and a whore. I think I deserve to know more.”

Rett’s chin rose as he silently motioned to our side. Entering the courtyard pushing a wheeled cart was an older woman. Her clothes were simple, a dark blue skirt and blazer with comfortable shoes. As she came nearer, I noticed her white hair reflected the fountain’s colorful lights. When she smiled, her hazel eyes sparkled, easing my nerves at meeting someone new.

“Miss Guidry,” Rett said as he stood, “may I introduce Emma North. Emma, Miss Guidry.”

Miss Guidry smiled as she clasped her hands at her chest. “My stars, you’re really here.”

I nodded, offering her my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Guidry.”

She clasped my hand between both of hers and squeezed. “The spirits be praised, Emma. You are just as I was told.” She shook her head and looked quickly to Rett and back. “Now, I know Mr. Ramses doesn’t like to hear this, but I have to say, your momma is real pleased you’re home. She knows you’ll do what she couldn’t.”

“Miss Guidry,” Rett said, his tone sounding a bit like a reprimand.

Miss Guidry shook her head and waved her hand. “Now, don’t you never mind the musings of an old lady. I’m right happy to have you here. I’m getting too old to be the only one looking after Mr. Ramses.”

“Miss Guidry,” Rett explained, “has been taking care of this house since she arrived with my mother.”

Arrived with his mother?

Miss Guidry winked my direction. “You see, I’ve been looking after him since he was knee high, well, before that.” She lowered her voice. “He doesn’t like me to remind him that I took care of him, should we say, back when everyone used cloth diapers.”

I tilted my head forward as my fingers came to my lips, unsuccessfully hiding my giggle. I was most certain by the look in Rett’s eyes that he wasn’t a fan of any talk of his childhood, especially diapers.

“Now, now” —she waved her hand— “that was a long time ago, and these days all I do around here is keep this old relic together and oversee the cook and maids.” She leaned my way. “Besides, I best believe you’re more fit to take over the looking after of Mr. Ramses.”

My eyes widened as I worked to contain my grin. “To look after Mr. Ramses? Well, that wasn’t on the job description, but...” —I smiled at Rett and back at Miss Guidry— “from what little I’ve learned, I commend you. That task does seem like a job for two.”

Miss Guidry let out a long breath. “I like you.” She turned to Rett. “I like her. Now, be nice.”

A giggle rolled from me as I reached for the glass of water on the table.

Rett grinned and bowed his head toward Miss Guidry. “Nice. I’ll try to remember that.” He raised his eyebrows. “Did you by chance bring our dinner?”

“Oh,” she said as if she’d completely forgotten why she was standing with us. “Yes. Now, it’s hot.” Utilizing two black cloths, she lifted large silver domes off of the dishes on the cart and carefully laid them upon the table.

When she was done, I had a plate with grilled salmon, fresh green beans, and red potatoes, and another plate with salad and a roll. I looked back up at her. “Thank you. It smells delicious.”

“Oh, honey. I don’t cook. Never could.” Her eyes widened. “But if you want to, I’m most certain Mrs. Bonoit would be happy to share her kitchen.”

“Emma won’t be cooking,” Rett said.

“Wait,” I interrupted. “I do like to cook. And I’d love to learn some recipes for New Orleans dishes.”

Miss Guidry nodded. “I heard you were a good cook. Your momma said baking is what you really like. Well, Mr. Ramses isn’t much for cakes, but he does enjoy beignets.”

I was taken aback by her references to my mother, but she was right. I did enjoy baking. “I guess I’ll need to learn how to make them.”

Miss Guidry tapped Rett’s shoulder. “I told you.” She nodded. “This right here” —she motioned between me and him— “is right.”

“Thank you,” he said, his lips straight, but there was a bit of merriment in his dark eyes. “I believe we’ll eat now.”