“We’ll talk. I suggest you go cover yourself. I’ll have food brought up, and we can discuss things over lunch.”

“Discuss things now.”

His exhale filled the air. “When food arrives, I refuse to allow anyone to see you as you are right now.”

“No one can see in this darkness.”

“Listen, Emma. This isn’t a topic for debate. From now until forever, I am the only one to see you nude and the only one to touch you.”

While I wasn’t complaining, I also wasn’t sold that this was a forever deal. However, in the short time I’d had the rare opportunity to know Everett Ramses, I was keenly conscious that arguing that or any other point was...futile. I fumbled with the covers, freeing my feet. “I need lights to find the bathroom.”

Rett got up from the bed before reaching for my hand. “Come, let me help you.”

As I stood, he pulled me close. In that second, I knew that even if he hadn’t planned on sex, his body was ready. Cool air surrounded me as he brushed his lips over my head.

“I won’t wait forever. Sipping has its merits, but the more I have you close, the more I want of you.”

It was a warning and a promise. I nodded against his shirt. Sex was going to happen. I couldn’t even say I didn’t want it. I could only say that I wasn’t ready. The reason or reasons were getting more difficult to articulate. After all, Everett Ramses had brought me to ecstasy multiple times, seen me naked, and touched...well most of me.

I lifted my hand to his unshaved cheek. “Thank you, Rett, for waiting.”

With each step, my muscles reminded me of Rett Ramses’s talent when it came to inducing pleasure. Opening the door to the bathroom, Rett reached inside and hit the switch, flooding the room with light. My eyes squinted as I took in the sparkling marble.

It was as I made my way across the room that I heard Rett’s voice. For a moment, my breathing stopped as I listened, assuming he was speaking on his phone.

“Go, we’ll have our noon meal. Bring coffee too. Miss North did just wake.”

“Yes, sir.”

My chest contracted at the second man’s voice.

Was there someone else in the room?

After all of Rett’s talk of only him seeing me, had Ian or another man been inside watching?

Reaching for a towel, I wrapped it around me and opened the door. While the curtains were still drawn, the bedroom was now filled with artificial light. “Who were you talking to?”

Rett turned from the closing door. “Do you plan to eat our midday meal wearing a towel?”

“Rett, tell me who you were talking to.”

“Ian. He’ll bring the food from the kitchen.”

“Was he...” My stomach twisted. “Was he in here?”

Rett’s gaze narrowed. “No, Emma.”

My gaze went to the door and back to Rett before I stepped back into the bathroom.

I tried to reason—it was simply my nerves playing tricks on me. The door wasn’t closing to let him leave, but for Rett to speak to the man stationed there.

Still wearing the towel, I repeated that mantra as I took care of business, washed my face, combed my long hair, placed it in a messy bun with a hair tie I found in the drawer, and brushed my teeth. As I contemplated a shower, the door opened as if my privacy wasn’t something Rett even considered.

Standing in all his clothed grandeur, Rett held the robe that I’d discovered in the closet last night. Now with the full light, his dark stare scanned me up and down. “Our food will be here in a few minutes.” He held the robe toward me. “I’m having more clothes delivered. For now, this is better attire than a towel.”


“Finish your meal,” Rett said, nodding toward my plate.