Page 76 of My Always One

Sami is radiant and just as I imagined, completely the opposite of Miss Tits and Ass in her high heels and tight dress. Sami's long hair is pulled back in a ponytail that hangs low on her back. Her sundress is simple yet sexy. I know Sami, and I know that her wearing a dress took as much effort as my wearing the button-up shirt.

It’s a good sign.

We're both trying.

And that makes me grin.

“Her?” Miss Tits and Ass asks. “You're choosing her over me?”

Sami doesn't move or speak as she stands a flight of stairs below and watches the scene unfold.

"Sami, come on up," I call. "Yes" —I start to say Miss Tits and Ass's name, but I can't remember what it is— "I told you. I'm seeing someone. Go find someone else to occupy your free night."

With a huff and a spin, Miss Tits and Ass walks down the stairs—stomps down—keeping her head high and leaving a sickening trail of perfume as she goes.

As she steps off the final stair, Sami smiles and cocks her head to the side. "Bye-bye now."

It's polite and bitchy all at the same time and why I adore my best friend.

Once the door shuts at the bottom of the stairs, Sami says, "If you're seeing someone else tonight, I can go."

Leaning on the side of the doorjamb, I shake my head. "Get your ass up here."

Her cheeks rise as she climbs the steps. "Now who's bossy?"

Once she reaches me, I pull her inside, and just like I’ve done over the past three weeks, I shut the door and pin her against the wall. My chest is against hers and her nipples bead under the light fabric. "Me," I say with all the innocence I'm not feeling. My smile isn’t the only part of my anatomy that grows. "You're right. I'm bossy and you like it."

Through the light fabric, her heartbeat quickens in time with mine.

"Tell me."

"Tell you what?" Sami asks.

"Tell me you like it."

"What if I don't?"

I stare into her gaze and go for broke. “What if I lift the skirt of your dress and finger your tight pussy? Will I find you like it?”

Her eyes blink, slower than normal, as her little pink tongue darts to her lip and disappears again. The way her heart thumps against mine tells me that I have her attention. “Well, Mr. Michaels, that’s an interesting question. I’ve always found if you really want to know an answer, you should find out for yourself.”


Lifting the skirt while simultaneously sliding my hand under the waistband of her panties, I groan as my touch is met with her warm essence. Her hands come to my shoulders and her moans fill the apartment.

“You said talk.” Her words are all breathy.

I bring my fingers to my lips and suck.

“I want you, Sami. I want to take you right now and convince you to amend our agreement again.”

Her lust-filled gaze comes to mine. “Marshal.”

My hands are against the wall on both sides of her face as my hardened cock presses against her stomach. “You are my best friend.”

She nods. “I don’t want to lose that.”

“Then let’s not.”