Page 78 of My Always One

Her serious expression breaks into a smile, yet the tears continue to fall. “When?”

“Tonight, Saturday night, or in five years. Sami, it's up to you.”

“You’ll let me wait and not push me?”

I lean against her. “Oh, honey, I’ll push you. I’ll keep pushing you to try new things. I’ll push you to smile and laugh. I won’t push you for a date to marry you, but when you’re ready, I’d like to buy you a ring, one you help pick out, and one you’re willing to wear forever.”

“Forever and always.”

“Can we agree?”

“I agree to an engagement. I love you, Marshal. I think I always have.”

“Fuck, I’m engaged.”

“So am I.”

“That is convenient,” I say.

Sami reaches out and frames my cheeks just before she pulls my lips to hers. When we finally break away, she says, "I do, Marshal."

"Aren't you supposed to save that for the ceremony?"

She shakes her head. "I do—like it when you're bossy."

"Good, because I'm going to take off this pretty little dress and claim the one part of my best friend that will be only mine."


I kiss her again. "No arguing, honey, it was in the fine print of that agreement that you said yes to. I get all of you from this day forth."

Instead of reaching for her dress, she begins to unbutton the front of my shirt. “Only after I get to tend to your monster cock on my knees.”

Oh yes. She can be bossy, too.


Six months later

Ican’t describe the way I feel on Marshal’s arm as his fiancée.

It’s right.

It’s easy.

It’s light.

Even dressed up for a party at Marshal’s boss’s home, the stuffiness and pretense I hadn’t realized surrounded me at events like this with the person who now and forever will be referred to as tiny-dick is gone. There is no wondering if Marshal will approve of my dress or hair or weight. The simple memory of the way Marshal looked at me when I stepped from our bedroom in this tiny black dress warms my skin and twists my core.

It’s as if with only his sexy blue eyes, he can speak volumes, lavish praise, and make me feel loved and adored. I can only hope he feels the same when I look at him because I do love and adore him too.

Yes, it isourbedroom.

Living in two places wasn’t working for us.

I’m still not ready to say the vows. It has nothing to do with my best friend, my lover, and my fiancé. It’s all me and I know that. With each passing day and night, my resurrected belief in forever and always is growing.

It still amazes me that my always has been beside me forever.