“I don’t remember the last time I ate here,” I say, looking up at the signTHE SUDS.
“Do you remember riding our bikes here?”
“I do.” I look over at Marshal, wondering what will happen to us and to our friendship. A wave of sadness washes over me. “Hey, you’re not eating your fries.”
His sexy blue eyes turn to me. “You see, I had this fantastic pussy right before saying goodbye to your parents.” He leans his head back on the headrest. “You know, I’ve known Jean and Paul most of my life, and I swear they knew what we’d just done.”
“I’m a grown-up.”
“You certainly are.”
I set the plastic basket on the middle console and turn in the seat, pulling my leg up. “Jack would never let anyone eat in his car. He wouldn’t even valet park.”
“I’m sure there are plenty of things stick-up-his-ass Jack wouldn’t do.”
I shrug. “Not with me. I’m not sure what he did with—”
Marshal reaches out and touches his finger to my lips. “Remember our rule about details?”
I nod against his finger.
“When it comes to your pussy and” —his eyes roam the neck of my tank top— “gorgeous tits, if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather think about them at my disposal rather than at Jack’s.”
“As long as you don’t tell me the next time you screw a stranger.”
“Hey, I don’t screw strangers. I’m a gentleman. I learn names and sometimes exchange phone numbers.”
“Can we do this?” I ask.
“I fucking hope so.” His voice lowers an octave. “You, Samantha Ann, are a fantastic lay, but more importantly, you’re my best friend. You have been that person to me forever and I always want you to be.”
“So our new agreement stands—friends with benefits.”
“Best friends with benefits for always.”
He pushes the basket toward me. “Eat, honey.”
I stare down at the basket. There is at least half the burger and most of the fries left.
Marshal reaches for my chin and lifts my eyes to his. “What are you thinking?”
“I’ve been dieting and working out for the wed—this thing I had on my calendar.”
Marshal reaches for my knee. “Will you take some advice from a friend?”
“My best friend, always.”
“Do you like the burger?”
“Oh my God, it’s heaven.”
“Then eat it and if you’re worried about gaining weight, I have a vigorous workout I’d be happy to show you.”
Lifting the burger to my lips, I take a big bite. Once I swallow, I smile at my friend. “I think I should take your advice because if the workout is anything like last night, I’ll need energy.”
“You better eat it all.”
After our five-star dining at The Suds, my mind fills with all the times Marshal and I have been there for one another, the stories and adventures we’ve shared as well as laughter and tears. I reach over and lay my hand on his arm. “Thank you.”