He shrugged. “They don’t.”

I stared at the cup as he walked away, noticing that my name was etched atop the whipped cream in thin caramel, and that “Good luck,” was written in cursive on the label.

It was a signature, sweet Brian move, and I immediately felt guilty for not giving him my full attention last night. As I walked to the subway, sipping what was arguably the best coffee I’d ever had, I vowed to give him my full attention from here on out.

I deleted all of Andrew’s old texts and emails, even the ones I’d fake deleted by placing them in the archive. I blocked his number, preventing his calls from ever getting through, and although I couldn’t block his emails, I changed the settings of my inbox so they would go straight to my spam folder.

When I finally arrived at practice that morning, I danced better than I’d ever danced before…

Later that night…

“How do you find the time to take the subway just to meet me at practice and walk me home?” I looked up at Brian as we crossed the street. “Where do you find the energy?”

“I make time for all the things I really like.” He kissed my forehead.

“Do you want to catch a movie this weekend? My treat? I owe you one…”

“What makes you say that?”

“I still feel bad about gala night and what that guy from my past said to you,” I said. “I’m really sorry.”

“No worries. I’m sure he’s—” He stopped talking as we approached my house, pointing at the man who was leaning against the door.


I took a deep breath as Andrew walked down the steps.

“Good evening, Aubrey,” he said, smirking. “And your name is danseur, correct?”

“It’s Brian.”

“Close enough.”

Brian crossed his arms. “I could’ve sworn I overheard her say that she didn’t want you anymore. Why can’t you take the hint?”

“Because she says things she doesn’t mean all the time.” He looked at me, instantly setting my nerves on fire. “And I know she’s just angry with me.”

“Dude!” Brian let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m her boyfriend so clearly she’s moved on…She has a boyfriend.”

“I honestly don’t feel threatened,” he said, still looking at me. “Did you get my coffee this morning?”

What?! “That was from you?” My eyes widened. “I thought…”

“What coffee, Aubs?” Brian looked concerned. “What is he talking about?”

“Andrew…” I shook my head. “Thank you for the coffee, but that doesn’t make up for anything…”

“I never said it did.”

A cold wind brushed by and I felt myself being drawn to him, literally drawn to him, and I took a few steps forward. But then I took a few steps back.

“I’m with Brian now…” I grabbed Brian’s hand and led him up to my door, refusing to look back at a seemingly hurt Andrew.

I shut the door and peeped through my blinds, noticing that he was still standing there. Confused.

“Look, Aubs…” The sound of Brian’s voice got my attention. “I don’t think the two of us are going to work.”