
No answer.

She didn’t respond for a long time, and when she finally did, all she sent me was a text:

“Leave me alone, Andrew. Please.”

I couldn’t. I emailed her again.

Subject: Sponsor.

I bought golden level season tickets. One of the benefits is getting a tour from the cast-mate of my choice. It will definitely be you.


Subject: Re: Sponsor.

Thank you for that pointless information. If you do choose me, we won’t be alone, and I’ll make sure that our tour ends in the exact time allotted.

Now, please leave me alone. I’m out with someone who admires my brain more than my pu**y.

You had your chance, you f**ked up, and I’m not sure why you’re in New York right now but I really don’t care.

I seriously don’t want to hear from you…Please go away.


I sighed and scrolled down my contacts. I knew she was simply being difficult, and I wasn’t going to let her get the last word. I pressed call on an old number and held it up to my ear.

“Who is this?” the old voice said over the line.

“I need an address.”

“Who is this?”

“I need an address. Now.”

“Liam?” There was a smile in his voice. “Is that you?”

“It’s Andrew.” I rolled my eyes. “Are you going to help me or not?”

“Well, since you asked so nicely…” There was a familiar humming sound in the background. “You know, I haven’t heard from you since the last time I saw…” He stopped himself and cleared his throat. “What’s the name?”

“Aubrey Everhart.”

“Do you know what borough?”

“No,” I said. “But the address can’t be more than a few months old. She just moved here.”

He was silent for a little while, tapping and touching buttons.

“Found it,” he said. “7654 Fifth Avenue.”

Five blocks away…

I thought about whether I should wait until morning to stop by, but I was already putting on my coat.

“It was nice hearing from you again, Liam…” the old man’s voice brought me back to the present. “Good to know you’re well and…getting over what happened.”