“I thought you said you weren’t coming…” I whispered. “Did you come here just to see my show or are you staying a little bit longer?”

“I’m staying a little bit longer.”

“Does that mean permanently?”

“No.” He wiped away my tears. “It means I’ll stay here until you realize how terrible this city is—until you’re ready to leave.”

“I signed a contract for three years.”

“Every contract is negotiable.” He smiled and pulled me into his arms. “And if you don’t apologize for ruining the closing credits tonight, they just might risk breaching it and fire you…”

“Where will you work?” I asked. “Are you going to practice law? Can you practice law?”

He kissed my lips. “I’ll be teaching at NYU.”

“What?” My heart immediately felt for the future students. “Why?”

“What do you mean, why?”

“You’re a terrible teacher, Andrew…All of the interns at GBH hated you.”

“I don’t give a f**k.”

“I’m serious…” I was actually worried. “I think you should reconsider. Teaching isn’t for everyone, so—”

“First of all,” he said, cutting me off and tightening his grip around me. “I am a good f**king teacher. It just depends on the subject matter…” He trailed his finger across my lips. “I can recall teaching you how to do something very well…”

I blushed.

“Second of all, last time I checked, all of the interns at GBH were quite unteachable and they were dumb as stones—all except one.”

“The one that was a f**king liar?”

“Yes,” he said. “That one.”

“I heard she broke all your rules.” I brought my hand up to his face. “I heard she ended your one dinner, one night, and no repeats streak… ”

“I’m pretty sure that she didn’t.”

“Is that so?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Is it still going on? Is that still your personal motto?”

“To a certain extent,” he said, pressing his lips against mine. “Since I still like the sound of it, and will only be dating her from here on out, I’ll just replace the word ‘one’ with ‘more’…”


Six Years later…

New York, New York


I stood in front of a classroom at New York University—counting down the seconds, asking myself why I’d ever agreed to this.

“Are there any questions?” I looked at my watch.

Several hands flew into the air.

“I’m only answering three of them.” I pointed to a young woman in the front row. “Yes, you. What is it?”