“I don’t give a f**k.”

“I’m serious…” I was actually worried. “I think you should reconsider. Teaching isn’t for everyone, so—”

“First of all,” he said, cutting me off and tightening his grip around me. “I am a good f**king teacher. It just depends on the subject matter…” He trailed his finger across my lips. “I can recall teaching you how to do something very well…”

I blushed.

“Second of all, last time I checked, all of the interns at GBH were quite unteachable and they were dumb as stones—all except one.”

“The one that was a f**king liar?”

“Yes,” he said. “That one.”

“I heard she broke all your rules.” I brought my hand up to his face. “I heard she ended your one dinner, one night, and no repeats streak… ”

“I’m pretty sure that she didn’t.”

“Is that so?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Is it still going on? Is that still your personal motto?”

“To a certain extent,” he said, pressing his lips against mine. “Since I still like the sound of it, and will only be dating her from here on out, I’ll just replace the word ‘one’ with ‘more’…”


Six Years later…

New York, New York


I stood in front of a classroom at New York University—counting down the seconds, asking myself why I’d ever agreed to this.

“Are there any questions?” I looked at my watch.

Several hands flew into the air.

“I’m only answering three of them.” I pointed to a young woman in the front row. “Yes, you. What is it?”

“Um…” She blushed. “Good morning, Professor Hamilton. My name is—”

“I don’t care what your name is. What is your question?”

“Um, it’s been about two weeks since the semester started and you have yet to give us a syllabus…”

I ignored her and pointed to a jock in the back row. “Yes?”

“You also haven’t told us what books we need to buy…”

“Does anyone in this classroom know the definition of the word, question?” I picked the last student, a redhead sitting by the window. “Yes?”

“Is it true that we’re required to take turns bringing you coffee every day?”

I looked at the coffee mug on my desk, at the sign-in sheet that listed which student had brought it today.

“It’s not a requirement,” I said, picking up the cup. “But if you miss your day to bring me my coffee, I’ll make sure everyone in this class regrets it.”

They groaned collectively and shook their heads. A few of them still had their hands raised, but I was officially done for the day.

“Read pages 153 - 260 from the printout by next class. I expect you to know the ins and outs of each case. Class dismissed.” I walked out, saying nothing further.