“They do.”

“So, why do you have to hide it from everyone else?”

“Esteemed lawyer or not, no one wants to take on someone who has a history in the papers…It makes a high profile firm look bad.” He kissed the back of my shoulder.

“What was Emma like?”

He sighed, looking at me. “She was perfect…”

I thought of a way to change the subject, but he continued talking.

“She hated when I went to work, and she would beg me to come sometimes, so I’d let her…” His voice was low. “And then I wouldn’t get any work done because the park was right across the street and she always wanted to play…Always.”

“Did she follow you around at home?” I asked.

“She was my shadow. She would come sleep on the couch if I was up working, and if she saw me leave the room to take a call, she would cross her arms and look offended if I didn’t invite her to listen.” He let out a short laugh, but he didn’t say anything else.

“Can I ask you something?” I leaned against his chest.

“If I say no I don’t think it’ll stop you…”

“Where do we go from here?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean…What happens now with us?”

He looked at me, confused. “Us?”

“Are we in a relationship? Are you going to stay with me, or are you going back to Date-Match?”

He stared at me for a long time. “I can’t stay in New York, Aubrey. I think you can understand why…”

“You had no plans to stay past tonight did you?”


“And you leave in the morning?”

“Yes.” He tried to kiss my hair, but I moved away. “So, was this some type of way to get your Aubrey fix before you went home? Say all the right things so you can feel better about yourself when you leave?”

“I wanted you to know that I loved you before I went home.”

“And to get some pu**y on the side, of course.”

“Of course.” He smirked, but I didn’t return his smile.

“I told you not to get my hopes up, Andrew.” I stepped back. “And you did it anyway.”

“What do you want me to do, Aubrey? Move in with you? Fucking propose?”

“I want you to stay…And if you can’t stay, I want you to leave…Now.”


“Now,” I said. “We can still be friends, but I don’t want to—”