“Where’d you find those?”

“But it turns out,” I said, ignoring her question, “That these are all f**king favors from judges and clerks that I don’t recall asking for. Ever.”


“Is there anyone in this city that you haven’t f**ked to get something in return?”

She looked as if she actually had to think about it.

“I send you flowers every day—every. f**king. day.” I stepped forward. “I tell you that I love you and that you complete me, every day and this is what I get in return?”

“I understand how you feel, Liam, but—”

“No, you don’t f**king understand.” I clenched my fists. “I’ve never even entertained the thought of being friends with another woman. I make sure everyone knows I’m completely unavailable, that no one else stands a damn chance.”

“I cheated for your benefit, Liam. I did it for you.”

What the f**k?

I’d heard a lot of bullshit in my life, but that line officially took the cake.

“How do you think you won the Luttrell case?” She wiped away her tears and narrowed her eyes at me. “You think you did it with your award winning rhetoric and charm?”

“Do you have a mental disorder that you failed to tell me about?”

“I f**ked the judge three days before the verdict. You were going to lose. And if you lost that case, there’s no way some of our current clients would’ve picked our firm to handle their account.”

“Our firm?”

“You think you built it alone?” She laughed. “Liam Henderson, warm-hearted, loyal, and too nice for his own f**king good? Please. I had to intercept every contract you sent out and redraft half of the terms. If I’d left it up to you, your firm would be nothing more than a pipe dream. You should be thanking me because you have no idea how much work I’ve done to put you where you are.”

“You’ve never argued a single case.”

“No, but I’ve f**ked a lot of powerful people to make sure you never lost one.”

“I’ve never lost because I’m a damn good lawyer.”

“And I’m a damn good lay.” She shrugged. “Of course, my own husband has been so busy this year that he probably wouldn’t even know.”

“You’re blaming me for throwing your pu**y around?”

“I’m shocked you even know what the word pu**y means.” She hissed. “We lay in bed together every night and you never want to f**k me.”

“You always say that you’re tired. Or is that a lie, too?”

“I was only tired of f**king you.” She brushed past me and shut the door to Emma’s room. “What do you want to do now, huh? Divorce me?”

“Is that a serious question?”

“It is.” She smirked and a knock came to the door.

We both stood rooted to the floor, and the knock came again.

“I’ll get it.” I warned. “You stay there.”

I walked away and opened it, expecting to see Kevin so I could punch the shit out of him, but it was a different woman in a suit.