How she’d lied to me.

How he’d lied to me, too.

And now, this.

The door opened at five in the morning, and Ava set a hot cup of coffee in front of me.

“We need to talk,” she said.

I said nothing. Just closed all the folders and looked at her.

“I just got served by the SEC…” She paced the floor. “Served, like legit papers…They came to the firm and—”

“I thought you were at the coffee shop.”

“I was.” She swallowed. “I stopped by the firm after getting your coffee so I could pick up a few things.”

“Was anyone there with you?”

“Of course not.” She scoffed. “Look at what time it is. Anyway…”

I couldn’t hear anything else she was saying. I could see her lips moving, make out some of the sounds that were coming out of her mouth, but the lies she’d just told me were blocking out everything.

“Why are you cheating on me?” I blurted out, suddenly annoyed by the tears falling down her face.

She sucked in a breath and looked me up and down. “Liam, the SEC has just unreasonably served me papers. Are you seriously accusing me of infidelity right now?”

“I’m not accusing you. An accusation would imply that there’s a chance you could be innocent. Why. Are. You. Cheating. On. Me?

She toyed with the gemstones on her necklace. Then she started to hum the refrain of a classic Sinatra song, “New York, New York.”

“Don’t make me ask you again, Ava,” I said. “I know you’ve f**ked Kevin.”

Her eyes finally met mine. “Fine…Yes, I f**ked him. Now, what?” Tears formed in her eyes. “I didn’t mean for it to happen. I never thought I would cross the line with him of all people…”

“You told me Emma was a surprise…” I said. “That you didn’t want to have kids until we were in our mid-thirties.”

Her face paled. “You were at the office tonight weren’t you?”

“I was…”


“So,” I said, mentally putting together the puzzle pieces. “Either you’re lying to him about me not being able to give you a baby—because last time I checked, right before Emma was miraculously conceived, you were still making me wear condoms and we weren’t even trying to have a f**king baby. Or, you’re lying to me, and you just wanted to f**k my best friend for an ulterior motive you’re saving for later. Which is it?”

“I still love you, Liam, It’s just—”

“Which is it?”

She said nothing, she just stood there with more tears falling down her eyes.

I held up one of the folders I’d been reading through. “I was looking through these tonight…At first, I thought they were standard mail-outs that you’d signed for me while I was gone or too busy, standard office supply orders, things like that…”

“Where’d you find those?”

“But it turns out,” I said, ignoring her question, “That these are all f**king favors from judges and clerks that I don’t recall asking for. Ever.”
