“It is, but—”

“So, because he didn’t say that he loved you on your terms, because he told you he was actually incapable of loving you that way, you decided to leave him. Didn’t you?”

“No…I left him because he was spending the company’s money on unnecessary things and cheating on me.”

“Did you ever think about his feelings?” I asked. “Did you think to simply ask if your leaving would affect him—whether you were on good terms or not?”

“He was…” She was breaking down. “He was cheating on me…”

“Was he? Or did you just want more than what he was willing to give you emotionally, Miss Everly?”

“Please stop…”

“Is it possible that you could be making all of this up?”

“No, never. I would never—”

“Is it possible that you’re a f**king liar?”

“Order! Order!” The judge banged her gavel and the jury gasped.

“Counsel, my chambers. NOW!”

I stared at the fake tears falling down Miss Everly’s face. This case was a wrap.

I walked into the judge’s chambers and shut the door. “Yes, Your Honor?”

“Are you out of your goddamn mind?”

“Excuse me?”

“You just called your own witness a f**king liar.”

I looked through the window, seeing that the bailiff was handing her a box of Kleenex.

“Are you on a new prescription?” she asked. “Drinking? Smoking something other than Cubans?”

“Because I’m having one bad day in court?”

“Because you’ve had several bad days in court.”

“I don’t recall calling any of my other witnesses f**king liars…”

“You called for an objection during the reading of a verdict.”

“Maybe I didn’t like the sound of it.”

“Maybe, but you never mess up in my court.” She paused. “Ever…Please go get yourself checked out, Mr. Hamilton. I’d really hate to be the judge presiding over your very first loss.”

She motioned for me to follow her out of her chambers. She took a seat in her chair and announced that the current trial was being postponed due to a rare rule brought up by the defense, and that we would reconvene two weeks from now.

Relieved, I closed my briefcase and ignored a red-faced Miss Everly.

“Mr. Bach,” she said, glaring at me, “I would really like for us to win this case, so could you please—”

“It’s already taken care of,” he said, cutting her off. “No worries.” He gave her a reassuring smile and asked Mr. Greenwood to walk her out to her car. Then he turned and looked at me.

“Andrew, Andrew, Andrew…” He sighed. “I think you need some time off. I’ll take over this case, alright? And Mr. Greenwood and I will be in contact with any of your clients who have cases within the next few weeks.”