Page 39 of Big Lone Bear

Luther’s expression sobered. “And because I would never want to introduce Violet to my soulmate before I was sure things were going to work out.” He knitted his hands together. “And after the other night – I figured I could stop all this waiting and simply seal the deal. I think we’re truly bonded now, don’t you? ”

“We are,” Espie agreed, reaching out to grasp his hand.

Luther sucked in a gasping breath and shook his head, and suddenly Espie yearned to cradle his head in her arms. “Violet is almost four now. Her mother and I knew we weren’t fated, but she was good company. But then she suddenly died on the operating table while giving birth, so it’s always been just the two of us. It’s not that I wanted to work for the mining corporation in the beginning, but the pay is better than most places, and I’ve always wanted to give Violet the world, you know? She doesn’t have her real mother, and I can’t change that. I didn’t have much growing up, but she’s going to have everything. Love. Support. A college education. Everything.”

“You brought Violet to meet me because you were ready, but I guess the cougars had other plans,” Espie scoffed. “I wish you would have told me sooner that you had a daughter. I admit, the whole idea of being an insta-mother is a little intimidating, Luther, but she’s part of you. And that’s all that matters.”

“Does it scare you?”

“A little,” she admitted honestly. “But not for the reasons you might think. I’m just worried I won’t be very good at, I don’t know, mothering.”

Luther smiled. “What’s your mom like?”

Espie’s lips twitched into a grin, and she didn’t even need to think about her response. “She’s the best.”

“Then I think you’re going to be just fine,” said Luther. “And even if your mom was a total mess, I still wouldn’t be worried about you.”

She scoffed. “Liar.”

“Okay, okay, so maybe I would be a little worried,” he conceded. “I’m a protective dad. That’s probably why I’m so protective over you, too. Violet has turned me into this cautious, careful, concerned parent. I love her with every fiber of my being, and I guess that spilled out onto you a little when I thought you were in danger. Go figure.”

“A little?” Espie smirked.

“Well, a lot,” he amended.

“I love that you’re such a protective dad,” Espie told him. “It helps me understand who you are, Luther. And I’ll be proud to become a part of all that.”

“Yeah, and I want that too, Espie, but after everything that’s just happened, I don’t think I should introduce the two of you tonight,” Luther said. “I don’t want her first real interaction with you to be the one where we explain how we just tracked down and killed a cougar shifter who was working for some nutcase tree hugger.”

Espie’s eyes went wide. “You’re not going to tell her that, are you?”

“In different words, but yes, I am.” Luther swept the hair out of her face, thumb stroking her cheek. “Violet understands the world we live in. She’s young, but she’s mature. I won’t tell her anything she can’t handle, but the kid can certainly handle a lot.”

“Maybe we could take her out somewhere together tomorrow,” Espie suggested. “I have to work a couple hours in the morning, but I’m free right after that.”

“So, you’re not going to rush straight over to tell Miguel about Willard and the cougars?” Luther clarified, giving her a surprised glance.

“I’ll bring it up with my brother soon,” she said. “The clan is already on edge with everything that’s happened. If we can pinpoint the problem, that’s going to spare everyone a lot of headaches.”

His outreached hand stalled for a moment, mid-air, when she mentioned the clan, but Espie chose to ignore it. Instead, as she grabbed ahold of it, she suggested, “Maybe you can come with me. Two mouths telling the same tale might be better than one.”

Luther frowned. “Not if he doesn’t trust one of those mouths.”

“They trust me,” she said, hugging him. “And if I say they’d better trust you, then they’d better trust you, too.”

“Maybe you should have your friend bring my daughter back to my truck,” Luther suggested. “I need to take her home and have a little talk with her. Call me when you’re done working tomorrow, all right?”

“Will do,” Espie agreed, giving him a kiss on the nose.

Luther chuckled. “Woman, you know that’s never gonna be enough from you.”

It took about ten minutes for the pair of them to remember Luther was headed for the door, and Espie was supposed to be giving someone a call.