Page 49 of Big Lone Bear

Chapter Twenty-Nine

When Espie came to the meeting room at the resort, she brought Maria along as a backup. Though she’d left Maida somewhat out of the loop, Maria had been privy to everything that Espie had learned, and she had agreed to do extensive research on Willard Vesper: a much more detailed investigation than the simple bit of digging that she had already tried. And she even agreed to make printed copies of some of the most important and incriminating articles and details she was able to find.

Maria explained to everyone, “What I discovered online should be fairly damning evidence if you just read between the lines. Willard Vesper has been involved in environmental terrorism all across the country, and he usually tends to bring in other people who end up being the ones who take the fall for his crimes, leaving him to escape free and clear, despite leaving a trail of destruction behind every single time.”

Espie then added, “Luther and I followed one of those cronies, a guy named Will, who led us to a cave on our mountain where a group of cougars have been staying for quite some time, right under our noses. I overheard them talking about how Vesper wants revenge on the resort and the mining company, and that’s why he ordered the cougars to attack people on the mountains. Luther heard him say it, too.”

“But how can a bunch of cougars be hiding on our mountain?” Ivo protested. “We would smell them.”

Espie snorted. “I’ve got an answer for that, too. Vesper has apparently invented some sort of perfumed substance that makes shifters smell human. I would have loved to lay my hands on some of the stuff for you, but you know, we were busy running away from about twenty or thirty cougars who were gunning for our lives at the time, so no such luck.”

“You and Luther?” Miguel asked, wincing. “Is that why you rushed into the cave last night? Hoping to warn us?”

“Yeah, actually, it was,” she said, nodding. “By now, it wouldn’t surprise me if all those kitties have packed it in and left since the bears know about them now. Or at least, they probably think that you do, and that you would have been on them last night instead of giving them a chance to clear out. I doubt we’ll be able to pin anything on the bastards at this point.”

“And this is the stuff you’ve been sitting on, but I wouldn’t listen to all this time?” Miguel asked, his tone somewhere between incredulous and guilty as he looked her in the eyes.

“I haven’t even told you the fun parts,” Espie added with a frown. “You missed out on the whole story where one of those damned cougars jumped in my bedroom window, intent on terrorizing a bunch of coyote pups and a polar bear cub.”

“Clarissa did mention something about that, but she never said a word about a cub,” he said, frowning. “Are you saying Luther is a father as well?”

“Yeah, which you could easily have discovered if you’d bothered to talk to him yourself.”

In the face of rather overwhelming evidence, her brother had no choice but to finally start seeing things her way.

“Jesus Christ, Espie…I’m so sorry. The way we came down on your guy just wasn’t right.”

Espie studied her brother from across the table, wishing his apology wasn’t such a bittersweet victory, and relishing the idea that she was finally getting Miguel to listen. Beside her, their mom sniffled, and Espie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Bina always hated when Miguel and Espie fought, which, to be fair, was a rarity. When they both apologized and reconnected, it was this big emotional hoopla that it really didn’t need to happen.

However, given the seriousness of this fight, maybe it was worth shedding a tear over, just this time.

“I’m not sure I’m the one to whom you owe the apology,” she said slowly as she flashed a quick smile, “but I guess I’ll take it.”

“We’ll need to confront the cougars immediately, of course,” Miguel said, more to himself than to those seated around the table.

“First thing’s first,” Espie countered, nudging her brother with her foot under the table, “you need to speak with Luther. He’s my fated mate, Miguel, and he didn’t deserve to be treated the way the clan has treated him.”

“Your mate is family,” their mom agreed as she patted Espie’s arm, as if to soothe her. “Mijo, of course you need to make things right.”

If Luther couldn’t be accepted into the clan, the only alternative was for Espie to leave—and that was never going to happen. So, her hard-headed brother and her too-protective mate were just going to have to play nice.

“When?” Miguel asked.



“Now, Miguel,” she said, standing. “We’ve wasted enough time already being divided. We’re all bears. We all need to stand together against Vesper. So get your ass in gear. It’s time to do some more apologizing.”


Luther sat on the front steps of his mobile as Miguel’s truck pulled in, probably waiting for Espie to get back. When he saw that Miguel was with her, he stood slowly, drawing himself up to his full height.

Espie had to appreciate that about him – the way he radiated strength despite his injuries. While he would probably be fully healed by tomorrow night, she knew all his numerous wounds still caused him pain right now, and seeing Miguel probably brought up a type of anguish that wasn’t strictly physical.

Before Espie could broker the peace between the two most important men in her life, Miguel stepped in front of her and extended a hand to Luther.

“Apparently, I owe you a massive apology,” he stated.