We are tied and, of course, Stefan is the one that has to draw for the win. It’s not that he is a bad artist, but you only have so much time to guess the answer, and he wants to go slow and take his time.

Everyone is shouting answers at him, and he just keeps swatting at us. I have no idea what it is, the only thing I can make out is it’s an animal. So, I just start shouting out every animal I can think of, to see if it’s right. We are running out of time, and I hate losing, especially to Hendrix.


Stefan shakes his head, and he starts to scoff. How can he get frustrated with us when he is the one that can’t fucking draw worth shit? If you want us to guess it, make it easier to tell what the hell it is.


We have ten seconds left and we need this point to win. Ugh. I’m pulling answers out of my ass, and I yell the first thing that comes to mind before the buzzer goes off.


He pumps his fist in the air. “Finally! The long neck, guys. What else has a long neck? Not a Lion or a donkey! Come on.”

I look at the paper, and then back at him. “How were we ever supposed to guess that from your drawing? I think someone needs to get more practice.”

He shakes his head. “Don’t sass me, Angela. We won because of you. Maybe my drawing isn’t great, but you still got it.”

A crack of thunder shakes the house and everyone looks at each other. Holy shit. Are we supposed to have storms? Of course, we would get something like this the night before Christmas. It’s fucking Texas. I pull out my phone and bring up the radar. Shit. It shows a major front about to be on top of us, and if I don’t get out of here now, I’ll end up having to stay here, no thanks.

“I’m gonna head home. We are about to get hit bad,” I say, making my way around to give everyone a hug except for Stefan. My brother would find that odd.

“Things never go as planned,” my mother says, shaking her head. “It was nice to have everyone over. We will win next year.”

Honestly, I’m pleasantly surprised we went the whole night without my father and Hendrix fighting. Maybe tomorrow is promising. We will see.

“Yeah, I’m gonna head out, too,” Stefan says.

The rain starts coming down as soon as he steps out behind me and shuts the door. Of course, it couldn’t wait for me to get to my car. The universe hates me. My feet run to the car and I shut the door behind me. So, usually I don’t mind rain, it’s relaxing, but not when I have to be out in it. I wipe off my forehead and put my key into the ignition and turn it. All I get is sputtering. Are you freaking kidding me? I keep trying, but nothing. There is no way I’m going back into my parent’s house and asking Hendrix for a ride.

“You okay?” Stefan asks, pulling up next to me.

There’s my Knight in Shining Armor. “My car won’t start.”

“Normally, I’d just get out and look at it, but not in this. Let me give you a lift home.”

I hesitate for a second, because I know how I feel about him, and being that close to him is going to be make things worse. If I had another option I’d take it, but he is the only one leaving right now, and I need to get home.

“Okay, it’s just a couple blocks over,” I yell from my rolled down window, before rolling it up, and grabbing my purse.

“Shit!” I say, plopping into his seat and closing the door before it fills with rain. This is what eighty thousand dollars feels like. He glances over at me and instructs me to put on my seatbelt before we take off.

Aye, Aye, Captain.

His eyes are focused on the road, but mine are on him. His strong jawline is killing me and being trapped in this car with that scent of his, my thighs are beginning to tremble. He’s off limits. Stop torturing yourself. You heard what Hendrix said. He’s a one-night-stand type of man.

I want to ask him about his personal life without seeming like I’m fishing, but I refrain. Hail starts hitting the hood of his car as he pulls into my driveway. His poor car is about to lose some value.

“You should come inside. No need to drive while it’s hailing,” I say.

Maybe I’m being kind or just want to spend a little more time with him without my brother around. Is that too much to ask? Maybe my brother is wrong about him, and he is looking for someone. I am bound and determined to find out.

We both rush out of the car and into my house, but not before we are soaked. My socks are slimy on my feet and these black booties are ruined. No saving them from this. I bend over to untie them and take them off. He just stands there and looks at me.

“Probably not the best night to wear those, huh?”