The elevator opens and Mr. Jackson steps out.

“Good morning, Angela. Would you like me in the conference room?”

I nod and knock on Stefan’s door. “Mr. Jackson will meet you in the conference room.”

He gets up, adjusts his tie, and heads straight out of his office.

Mr. Jackson has informed the buyers that a decision will be made today, and they will be notified. So, he has to pick which offer to accept, and give Mr. Jackson ample time to draw up the paperwork for the sale. I’m not envious of being in that room.

My phone buzzes against my desk.

Hendrix: I heard the sale is happening today. Looks like you are going to be dating a billionaire. How does that feel?

My brother has gotten better about me being with Stefan, but they still haven’t made up completely. They tolerate each other at family functions, but that’s about it. It’s a sore subject for both of them, but I won’t let it affect my relationship with Stefan.

Me: I’d love him if he was penniless.

Sure, there are perks of dating a rich man, nice house, vacations whenever you want, but honestly even if Stefan worked as a janitor, I’d still love him just as much. His money isn’t what I fell in love with all those years ago.

I pound away at my keyboard, trying to keep my head into work, but the anxiety from knowing that Stefan is in there right now, deciding the future of this company. We have no idea if the buyer will keep the employees on staff, or what they will end up doing with it. They could move it to another state or country for all we know, but the good thing is Stefan has control of that to some degree. The contracts that were sent over from each buyer has a full outline on their plans for the company once they take over, and I know he will make the right decision.

One thing I know about him is he isn’t going to hand it over to just anyone. If the right buyer hasn’t come forward, then he will push it off for another year. Stefan is a stand-up guy, but money isn’t the only thing that is important in this deal. He wants the software to be used for good, and help people, and whoever ends up getting it, they will have a contract already going with the military that has the potential to bring them millions in revenue each year alone.

The conference door opens, and Stefan walks out, and the sweat is visible. I lock eyes with him as he approaches me, and Mr. Jackson heads to the elevator.

“Ms. Haddon, will you follow me, please?” he says, walking passed me and into his office.

I follow and shut his door. His back is to me, and he sighs. Please be a good thing.

“You are scaring me. Just tell me!”

“Signed a contract. It’s official!” he says, turning around with a smile and pumping his fist into the air.

“And? Details? Don’t leave me hanging, damnit.”

He puts his arms around me, settling on my lower back. “Forty-two billion. And the buyer wants to keep everybody that is willing to stay and isn’t going to move locations. Can you freaking believe it?”

“I knew if you stuck to your guns with the stipulations, you would get exactly what you wanted. They don’t even know how lucky they are out there. You fought for them!”

My lips touch his, and for this moment, I can give a fuck about being professional.

He composes himself and opens the door to his office.

“Can everyone give me your attention please?” he says, standing in front of my desk. “The buyout is official, but I worked in some stipulations. They have agreed to keep the office and all of you on board. No one is going to be walking away without a job unless they want to leave.”

Whooping and hollering goes all around the office. People get up and hug one another and one girl even starts crying.

“The buyer wants to take over as soon as possible. So, this will be our last week working together. It’s been a pleasure and I wish all of you guys the greatest success.”

He walks back into his office, shuts down his computer, and grabs my hand. “We have somewhere to be.”

As we walk past my desk, I grab my purse and wonder where the hell he is taking me? I didn’t see anything on our calendars.

“Where are we going?”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s a surprise.”

Stefan likes to spoil me, and after getting the great news, he is probably wanting to go and have a fancy lunch or something. I like food, why not.