It throbs, desperate to have him see me come undone, for him to know that every time I’ve ever touched myself, it’s been to the image of him.

Moving my fingers faster, my breaths come in rapid spurts, my mouth hanging open as my eyes stay on his. Anguish colors the harsh planes of his face, sending shivers of delight and misery echoing through my body in white hot waves.

Delight because it’s obvious he wants me, even if he won’t admit it out loud.

Misery because he denies me.

But if that’s how my handsome Hades wants to play, I’m not above manipulating the confession from him.

Even if I have to ride my own hand to KingdomCome.

“Do you remember what I asked you for on my eighteenth birthday?”

For him to kiss me. Fuck me.

He’d refused.

Kal freezes. “I haven’t changed my mind.”

“Really?” Pulling my hand out from under my skirt, I lave over my finger with my tongue, slurping up the arousal collected on the tip.

His jaw locks.

My pussy weeps in protest, but I ignore it, lifting my knee and hoisting myself over the center console.

“Jesus Christ, Elena, what the hell are you doing?”

I launch myself into his lap before he has a chance to push me away, planting my knees on either side of his hips.

My dress bunches up just beneath the curve of my ass, but as I settle onto the tops of his thighs and grind into his pelvis, I don’t even care.

Gripping my hips, he starts to shove me off of him, but I slide my hands behind his neck and lock them there, my hold iron clad.

Papà put Ari, Stella, and me in self-defense classes at a young age, and one of the first things they taught was how to get too close for a perpetrator to be able to attack.

Kal digs his fingers into me, and I writhe on top of him, the pain causing euphoria to build in my lower belly. “Goddamnit, little one, you’re asking for trouble.”

Ignoring the jab, I move my hips faster, leaning slightly to create friction on my clit. My panties are soaked, cold where they’re pressed against his pants, but I’m too far sucked into a web of pleasure to give a shit.

“Give in,Kallum. Take from me before Mateo does.”

He groans, the sound ricocheting off the windows, using his hold on me to increase my speed and pressure. I feel him harden beneath me, my brain locking in on the sensation of his thick cock between my pussy lips.

“I’m not like the boys from your little private schools. I’ll ruin you and not think twice about it.”

Pressure coils tight inside my stomach, electricity zinging through my veins. “Soruin me.”

It takes a moment; he sweeps his gaze around, inspecting the street for onlookers, but the windows have fogged up so much at this point that it’s impossible to see out or in without some effort.

Goose bumps pop up on my skin the second some kind of switch flips in him, desperation bleeding from his movements.

Tearing the neckline of my dress, Kal’s mouth latches on to the space where my throat meets my shoulder, sucking so hard and fast that I cry out from the intensity.

His hands snake up my thighs, heavy and deliberate, and I’m still riding his pants-clad cock when his fingers find my dripping core.

“Merry fucking Christmas to me,” he growls against me, biting the space he’s just kissed until I’m sure he breaks the skin.

My eyes roll back, my body bucking as he seems to drink from me, a vampire feasting on its willing victim.