She tips one shoulder up, continuing to shred the broccoli. “My parents never were religious, but I always thought it’d be nice.”
“The St. Killian Monastery on Third Street isgorgeous, and totally haunted.” Fiona points a finger at me. “That’s perfect for you!”
Rolling my eyes, I dig my fingers into Juliet’s hips, trying to bite back any scathing remarks. Dinner’s bound to be awkward enough without me indulging her and adding to it.
Unfortunately, she speaks before I have a chance to form a response. “Of course, we don’t know it’ll even be you she ends up marrying. So, maybe a different venue would work, after all.”
I don’t know what her problem is, but I freeze, pulling my head back to look at my sister. Her eyes stay on mine, taunting, blazing like she has something to prove. My world feels like it shifts on its axis the longer she stares, and I feel my eyes hardening, turning to stone right there.
One of my hands leaves Juliet’s side and reaches up, palming her jaw. I tilt her head back so she can see me, so I can seeher; just as my patience reaches its breaking point and I’m about to tell her that if she marries anyone other than me, I’ll murder everyone she’s ever met, understanding crackles in my brain.
Her gaze softens just slightly, letting me in on a little known secret. One she’s not ready to admit, but that I see all the same.
Juliet snorts at the same time Fiona’s face breaks out in a wide smile; she pops another bite of celery into her mouth and slides down from the counter, winking at Juliet. “Told you he’s easy to rile up.”
“Har-har. Stop being a fucking pain and let me spend time with my girlfriend before dinner.”
She flounces from the room, and I exhale a sharp breath, pressing my forehead into Juliet’s shoulder and skimming my hands down the length of the short, black satin dress she has on. Relief floods through me like a river let free from a levy, my heart beating so hard against my ribs I can taste it in my throat.
I’m fucking gone for this bird. Trapped in a warm cocoon of love, feeling transformed just by being on her radar.
I know she doesn’t hold the answered prayers to the darkness inside me, but she’s a light shed in a hollowed unknown. A salve to a wound I didn’t think would ever heal. Her darkness, her sadness, mixes with mine as though it understands me, wants to watch me be made whole without trying tofixme.
Which is kind of the point, right? Love isn’t supposed to fix everything; hell, most of the time it seems to do a great job of fucking things up. It’s there as a comfort, a cushion to soften our ugly realities. It’s sustenance, but it’s not growth.
We achieve that on our own.
Sighing, she turns in my arms, wrapping hers around my neck. Her beautiful blue eyes stare up at me, two seas of unspoken emotion glittering in the overhead light. “Girlfriend, huh?”
My fingers toy with the hem of her dress, slipping beneath a fraction, and her breath catches. “Kitten, that better be a sarcastic question. You’remine, and you know it.” She rolls her eyes, and one of my hands leaves her leg to wrap around her curls, fisting a handful. I bring my lips close, so they ghost against hers as I speak. “Something to say, baby?”
Her mouth parts, and my cock stiffens at the movement, remembering how fucking good it feels to have her wrapped around me. “What’ll you do to me if I say yes?”
I force a swallow, desire constricting my lungs, and press into her even more. “What do you want me to do to you?”
Without another word, I shove her hips into the counter and claim her mouth with my own, devouring her like she’s the last delicacy in the fucking world and I’m a man whose lived his whole life without a single luxury.
And Christ, just kissing her does feel like a goddamn gift.
Pushing my tongue past her lips, I flick in and out against her, my hands tangling in her hair; hers slip from my neck, scrape down my back, and cup my ass, grinding me into her even more. A soft moan escapes, setting off fireworks behind my vision; they explode with the light of a thousand bursting suns, blinding and incapacitating all at once.
Her teeth catch my lip, biting hard enough to draw blood, and I grunt against the pressure; it’s a shock straight to my dick, making it jerk behind the zipper of my jeans. I grip the backs of her thighs and haul her up onto the counter, forcing myself between her legs and deepening the kiss. Nimble fingers tug at my hair, and I push up the hem of her dress, exposing more of her creamy thighs and the garter attached to the tops of her stockings.
“Christ,” I breathe, yanking my face from hers and leaning back to get a good look. Shoving the dress to her waist, I admire the lacy, crotchless pair of panties, how the lingerie accentuates the soft curve of her hips and highlights her bare pussy. “Are you trying to kill me?”
She grins, dropping a hand to her sex and swiping a finger over her slit; she pushes between her swollen lips, the lewd sound turning my knees to jelly, so wet I can see her arousal coating the tip of her finger. With a jerk of her hips, she pulls away, bringing the digit up and slipping it into her mouth. It darts to the back of her tongue as she clamps her jaw down, sucking so hard her cheeks hollow out, and I almost come in my jeans, before I’ve even gotten inside her.
“You okay?” she asks, dragging her finger out, tracing the seam of my mouth with the residue from her mouth. “You look awfully pale.”
Yanking her down off the counter, I spin her around, knock her elbows out so her chest presses against the cool granite, and shove her dress the rest of the way up. Her ass looks delicious in the lingerie set, and I can’t stop myself from dipping down and biting one fleshy cheek, landing a rough smack on the opposite.
She jerks forward, a guttural grunt tearing from her throat. “Kieran…”
“Shut up, brat. You want to tease me, play with me before an important dinner where I introduce you formally to my family?” She nods, face flush with the counter, and I chuckle at the sight, spitting on her asshole.
The tight ring of muscle doesn’t open much at first, even when I’ve worked two fingers inside. Her hands white-knuckle the edge of the granite, her breaths coming out in short little pants, as I use my free hand to work my cock from my pants, stroking it through her sopping folds.